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Ocr religous studies

hello I'm struggling with a level ocr religious studies especially the dct section can anyone provide me tips
Reply 1
Hey. I did my alevels last year, and I got an A, only couple of marks away from Astar. I was in the same place as you. But I completely changed up my way of studying ocr religious studies. Give me a DM and I can help you out. I don’t mind tutoring you if you want.

Edit : my Dms don’t work, give me a DM on insta. It’s the same as my username
(edited 12 months ago)
Reply 2
Original post by margrate3546
hello I'm struggling with a level ocr religious studies especially the dct section can anyone provide me tips

It's a very big question! Are there particular topics you struggle with, and have you downloaded the specification from the OCR website? I offer some free sources on my TES shop, including on how to write essay. You might find some of that useful. I've been tutoring OCR RS for fourteen years.
Original post by margrate3546
hello I'm struggling with a level ocr religious studies especially the dct section can anyone provide me tips

Hey, are you in year 12 or 13? I'm currently in year 13 and what I do is use I think therefore I teach and make a mindmap on her videos. I then do essays based on the topic and use this website to further develop my knowledge. I'll make flashcards on the mindmaps if it is really content heavy and do regular exam questions every week and give to my teacher to mark, Re- write your mocks with the feedback and nag your teachers!!! DCT is also my weaker one but what I'm doing for all of them is I've printed the spec and I create essay plans for each point in the spec for example, in philosophy in soul, mind and body it says under key knowledge, 'Plato's view of the soul as the essential and immaterial part of a human...'. I will then do an essay plan with the title 'Assess Plato's view of the soul' and use the key knowledge they want and use my mindmaps and flashcards to build it, this essay title is so useful as it basically covers the entire AO1 and AO2 of that subtopic. Then the spec basically gives you possible exam questions for example, in the section of the soul it says ' materialist critiques of dualism, and dualist responses to materialism' and I'll answer them or use the link above as it categorises essays as easy, medium and hard and makes all the possible combinations. I know I used philosophy but it easily applied for DCT, it's just because I had my philosophy spec on me! Hope it makes sense and I wish you all the best

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