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OCR A-level Latin Paper 4 (H443/04) - 20th June 2023 [Exam Chat]


How did your OCR A-level Latin Paper 4 exam go today?

OCR A Level Latin Paper 4 (H443/04) - 20th June 2023 [Exam Chat]

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Date/Time: 20 Jun 2023/ AM
Length: 2h

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Hi everyone! Does anyone have any predictions for the Ovid's Heroides 20 mark essay?
what's everyone studying for paper 4? im doing Catullus for both
Original post by FelicityL
what's everyone studying for paper 4? im doing Catullus for both

Aeneid for AS, and Heroides for A2
Reply 4
Original post by FelicityL
what's everyone studying for paper 4? im doing Catullus for both

Catullus for AS, Aeneid for A2
Original post by beaquin
Catullus for AS, Aeneid for A2

Sameee and I’m only halfway through learning the translation 🫣🫠
Original post by FelicityL
what's everyone studying for paper 4? im doing Catullus for both

Aeneid 12 and Heroides!
Original post by fruityoghurt
Hi everyone! Does anyone have any predictions for the Ovid's Heroides 20 mark essay?

maybe the theme of persuasion or sympathy for Dido, Penelope and Briseis?
ive managed to get myself a bit confused - can anyone explain the difference between content and style points in a 15 marker? ik its a bit late but teacher just mentioned it and im not completely sure... examples would be great
Original post by tomhenri
ive managed to get myself a bit confused - can anyone explain the difference between content and style points in a 15 marker? ik its a bit late but teacher just mentioned it and im not completely sure... examples would be great

hey ill try to explain it
not sure what texts you do, for example i do catullus for AS verse: hopefully the point im making will still come across even if you're doing a different text.

there is one poem where catullus attacks his friend gellius, because he is after catullus' girl. catullus says he never even thought gellius would be interested in the girl because he 'saw that she was neither gellius' mother or his sister' - if asked to analyse why this poem is effective, you could take this piece of latin which i've translated here and say something like 'the fact that catullus suggests that not only does gellius sleep with his family, but also actively does not sleep with anyone who isn't a member of his family, is particularly effective in making gellius look like a disgusting human and strengthens the attack on him' - that's an example of a content point, basically just taking what it explicitly states in the text and analysing it a bit more/why the content of this poem is effective.
you could back this point up with commenting on the style, for example pointing out alliteration in this part of the text (there isn't actually alliteration im just making it up) - you could say the alliterative sibilance in this part of the text strengthens catullus' attack because the hissing sibilance shows his contempt for gellius and perhaps suggests people whispering about how awful he is.

basically, what the examiners are looking for is content points backed up by style points, not the other way round. they don't want something like 'the alliterative sibilance here strengthens the attack' and for that to be the only thing you say, you need to extract parts of the text that are effective not because they have any fancy language techniques but because the content of what they say is shocking/effective/exciting etc. then hopefully the content points that you pick out will have some fancy language techniques that you can use to back up your point, not to make your point.

hope that helps. i am by no means qualified to give you this advice, this is just what i think.
Aeneid AS learning is killing me so much - I absolutely hate this set text with a passion!!
Original post by BarnabyK
Aeneid AS learning is killing me so much - I absolutely hate this set text with a passion!!

i don't do AS, i do catullus, but i do A level Aeneid so book 12. genuinely hate it. i do classics a level as well so had to study the aeneid and i swear i hate this stupid book with a vengeance. the set lines in book 12 are mostly about endless war, i wish i did catullus twice
Original post by isobelmitchlel
i don't do AS, i do catullus, but i do A level Aeneid so book 12. genuinely hate it. i do classics a level as well so had to study the aeneid and i swear i hate this stupid book with a vengeance. the set lines in book 12 are mostly about endless war, i wish i did catullus twice

No, that's the worst bit of Aeneid 12. All it is is Turnus complaining non-stop and just being an absolutely annoying guy (literally despise him). Literally struggling to think of analysis points. To summarise book 12 in 3 words: Turnus' anger issues.
Original post by isobelmitchlel
i don't do AS, i do catullus, but i do A level Aeneid so book 12. genuinely hate it. i do classics a level as well so had to study the aeneid and i swear i hate this stupid book with a vengeance. the set lines in book 12 are mostly about endless war, i wish i did catullus twice

The first 1-106 lines are ok, but the second part of the AS is such a pain to translate.

The use of extended simile, ridiculous chiasmus and overcomplicated structure puts me off completely...absolutely hate analysing the language. Not to mention I'm seeing nothing new or fresh as it's so exhausted as a classical text in society. Virgil's georgics are so much better
Ok maybe I'm crazy but I do Catullus for AS and Virgil for A2 and firstly, I swear the Catullus is a million times shorter than the Cicero which was my prose AS text, but also I love the Virgil, it's my favourite set text. I despised my teacher for Virgil, and loved my prose teacher, but I think the fact we covered our Verse A2 text before the AS was a good decision on her part. I feel very confident on the Virgil and enjoy analysing it because there's a lot to say in terms of content and style!
Original post by fruityoghurt
No, that's the worst bit of Aeneid 12. All it is is Turnus complaining non-stop and just being an absolutely annoying guy (literally despise him). Literally struggling to think of analysis points. To summarise book 12 in 3 words: Turnus' anger issues.

i hate writing 20 markers about turnus - his whole character is so dumb because we don't know whether his actions are his or juno's (when she put the torch in him) - so literally any point i make about any of turnus' actions is always followed by '..but this might be juno's fault idk'. i just find him completely pointless as a character, and i find the whole war completely futile and ridiculous in a way that it's not even entertaining to read about, its just frustrating and pointless. i love the iliad sm bc there's an actual purpose to the war and its just so meaningful - the aeneid aeneas has no personality and barely talks. i could actually go on for years about how much i hate the whole book.
Original post by beaquin
Ok maybe I'm crazy but I do Catullus for AS and Virgil for A2 and firstly, I swear the Catullus is a million times shorter than the Cicero which was my prose AS text, but also I love the Virgil, it's my favourite set text. I despised my teacher for Virgil, and loved my prose teacher, but I think the fact we covered our Verse A2 text before the AS was a good decision on her part. I feel very confident on the Virgil and enjoy analysing it because there's a lot to say in terms of content and style!

i know!! the catullus poems are so so short lol. i feel grateful that i'm not doing aeneid for both because it takes me so long to learn virgil but i love catullus so no time at all.
praying that the chair poem and the bridge poem do not come up, i hate those ones lol. oh, and the one about furius and aurelius - that one is so dull.
Original post by isobelmitchlel
i know!! the catullus poems are so so short lol. i feel grateful that i'm not doing aeneid for both because it takes me so long to learn virgil but i love catullus so no time at all.
praying that the chair poem and the bridge poem do not come up, i hate those ones lol. oh, and the one about furius and aurelius - that one is so dull.

Omg yes I'm convinced they're going to give us O Colonia because that's what our teacher did in the mock and that is my worst nightmare because I don't get it at all. I feel like we'll either get Furius and Aurelius or Varus or Colonia or Flavius for the 15-marker and then probably a Gellius for the translation? If it's poem 8 or 76 that will be the end for me though those ones are so boring!
(edited 1 year ago)
Does anyone have any potential 20-markers for the Virgil? I'm a bit stuck...
Original post by mandyelicup
Does anyone have any potential 20-markers for the Virgil? I'm a bit stuck...

probably a character question on aeneas or turnus, or on the portrayal of war, in my mock we had 'to what extent is book 12 optimistic'.

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