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iGCSE Edexcel Further Pure Math (9-1) 2023 Summer

How did everyone find it.

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Reply 1
Was alright did u know question 10 about the vectors
Reply 2
Original post by Govkm
Was alright did u know question 10 about the vectors

No way, everyone found the paper hard at my school (we took 1R)

The format of most of the questions were so original, they never came up in any other past paper I did.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 3
Original post by dou1071
No way, everyone found the paper hard at my school (we took 1R)

The format of most of the questions were so original, they never came up in any other past paper I did.

I took the Paper 1 and there were about 3 or 4 questions that looked completely new, asking for some crazy differentiation. Most of the questions were just one step, but out of 9-10 marks. Can’t say I performed my best, but others had it much worse as I walked out of the exam. I just hope paper 2 won’t be as difficult…
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by snorkie
I took the Paper 1 and there were about 3 or 4 questions that looked completely new, asking for some crazy differentiation. Most of the questions were just one step, but out of 9-10 marks. Can’t say I performed my best, but others had it much worse as I walked out of the exam. I just hope paper 2 won’t be as difficult…

the paper was very hard. Do you think the grade boundaries will be the lowest ever because some of those questions were just impossible
Reply 5
Original post by Davy Jones
the paper was very hard. Do you think the grade boundaries will be the lowest ever because some of those questions were just impossible

Original post by snorkie
I took the Paper 1 and there were about 3 or 4 questions that looked completely new, asking for some crazy differentiation. Most of the questions were just one step, but out of 9-10 marks. Can’t say I performed my best, but others had it much worse as I walked out of the exam. I just hope paper 2 won’t be as difficult…

LITERALLY thank god i thought it was jsut me. idk that was the hardest paper out of all the practice ones. i dropped a good 10 marks from just waffling and making stuff up i defo panicked
It was the hardest FPM paper ever.....I'll be relived to even het a 5 or 6. Just to give my perspective of it, I somehow managed to attain a 6 in my mock test (it was a relatively easy paper), however I feel completely depleted after my horrendous performance
Reply 7
Edexcel are experimenting on us with a new format. This year is diff the questions go for more marks than usual but the paper is relatively shorter.
Reply 8
Did anyone know question 10 tho? About the vectors
Original post by Govkm
Did anyone know question 10 tho? About the vectors

I didnt even have time to get there. I stopped around question 4 because I had a major headcace
Original post by Govkm
Edexcel are experimenting on us with a new format. This year is diff the questions go for more marks than usual but the paper is relatively shorter.

Do you remember the question for diff, or at least the format? I did Paper 1R, but they didn't test diff.
Original post by Davy Jones
the paper was very hard. Do you think the grade boundaries will be the lowest ever because some of those questions were just impossible

I think so. idk whether it's a good thing or a bad thing bcoz I ****ed up for paper 1
Reply 12
does anyone remember the answer to the 6 mark inequality sequences question, about finding the least value of n for which the inequality was satisfied (paper 1R)? i got 10 as my ans :/
Around how many marks do you think you scored? I also think I’m at around that level and this was truly horrible.

Original post by ASw431804
It was the hardest FPM paper ever.....I'll be relived to even het a 5 or 6. Just to give my perspective of it, I somehow managed to attain a 6 in my mock test (it was a relatively easy paper), however I feel completely depleted after my horrendous performance
Original post by Ajajxjucjs
Around how many marks do you think you scored? I also think I’m at around that level and this was truly horrible.

Usually I’ve been getting around 80-85%, but on this paper I’ll be surprised to get higher than 70%. If I’ve done everything correctly, the maximum I can get is like 70% because I just couldn’t answer some questions. And then I probably made some mistakes along the way too.
Original post by snorkie
Usually I’ve been getting around 80-85%, but on this paper I’ll be surprised to get higher than 70%. If I’ve done everything correctly, the maximum I can get is like 70% because I just couldn’t answer some questions. And then I probably made some mistakes along the way too.

Hopefully that means the grade boundaries are low. When I say low I literally mean at least 5 marks below what they were last year 💀. From what people are saying online I think that might be the case but you can’t be sure :/
Original post by Ajajxjucjs
Hopefully that means the grade boundaries are low. When I say low I literally mean at least 5 marks below what they were last year 💀. From what people are saying online I think that might be the case but you can’t be sure :/

Personally, I think they’re gonna raise them to around 75% for a 9, so 7 marks higher than in January 2023 . Considering the grade boundaries pre-covid we’re very high (June 2019 - 92% for a 9), I think they will raise them back to usual, but the hard nature of this paper will decrease them slightly. Half of the marks are still available though, so there’s still a chance to make a comeback!
Original post by yzads
How did everyone find it.

i cant lie bro that was the most difficult gcse ANYTHING i've ever sat :frown:
i did paper 1 and when i saw the delta x plus x thing or whatever i actually audibly gasped and the invigilator looked at me funny lmaoo
normally i get around like 90 percent but that was so different and i ran out of time too so there aint no way im getting more than 50 percent
Reply 18
What do u think is gonna come for p2 cuz i f"ked up in p1. AND did u give maths b ,i think it was wayy different than the previous years
Original post by Airist
What do u think is gonna come for p2 cuz i f

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