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Edexcel A-level Spanish Paper 2 (9SP0 02) - 14th June 2023 [Exam Chat]

Edexcel A-level Spanish Paper 2 (9SP0 02) - 14th June 2023 [Exam Chat]
Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: Wednesday 14th June 2023/ AM
Length: 2h 40M
Reply 1
what's your two things for this paper?? I've got lengua de las mariposas for movie and el coronel no tiene quien le escriba for the written novel
Any predictions for Las 13 Rosas or Como Agua para Chocolate?
How did the exam go for everyone?
Original post by tomasreyesc1
How did the exam go for everyone?

It was okay, what were your books/films?
How did everyone find the translation? And essay questions?
Original post by david2804
It was okay, what were your books/films?

Like water for chocolate and Volver
Reply 7
I think that exam was good. Translation was good and I answered my questions to a good enough level I feel. So happy to be done.
Original post by tomasreyesc1
Like water for chocolate and Volver

which questions did you choose and what did you write about?
i thought the questions were quite hard especially for Volver
Reply 9
Original post by willowcrawns9
which questions did you choose and what did you write about?i thought the questions were quite hard especially for Volver
do you remember what the other question was for como agua para chocolate i chose the gertrudis one but i forgot the other one 💀
Original post by tomasreyesc1
Like water for chocolate and Volver

Do you remember what the questions were?
Original post by supp1ty
do you remember what the other question was for como agua para chocolate i chose the gertrudis one but i forgot the other one 💀

What was the Gertrude's one?
Did anyone do Pans Labyrinth and if so do you remember the question?
What were the questions for volver and la casa please you would be a lifesaver
Original post by david2804
Any predictions for Las 13 Rosas or Como Agua para Chocolate?

Hi do you remeber what the question was for CAPC 2023?
Original post by willowcrawns9
which questions did you choose and what did you write about?
i thought the questions were quite hard especially for Volver

hi do you remember what the questions were for volver 2023?:smile:

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