if you wish to tell me your story, do that, let me know what you would have changed. I am filled with the deepest regrets currently.
I’m so regretful with how my university experience has gone. I squandered so many opportunities regarding friends, career/work exp, relationships/one night stands, and even money. I know it’s technically not too late but it kind of is when I'm going into third year. I wanted to make an impact on the people I go uni with; and now we’re going to leave soon and nobody’s going to care. 😕
I’d like to preface this with the fact that I’ve struggled with mental issues my whole life. I don’t need pity, but it does hurt I won’t lie, and it’s impacted every facet of my life so significantly. A *****y childhood will do that to you, and the worst thing is that I never had any control over that. It is what it is.
Regarding university, I messed up in so many ways. Socially, I was a pretty angry/messy flatmate in first year. I guess I have a lot of unresolved issues but I drank and did drugs quite a lot (I’ve done this since a young teenager) and being technically an addict made me messy, and just un likeable. I made a lot of bad decisions when drunk, and obviously people are going to judge you for that. So I was kinda marked as a person who gets too ****ed up, and someone who’s just a bit unlikeable. It kinda ****ed me off that my flatmates would exclude me but looking back, I understand. I just wis I could go back and make a better impression. It doesn’t help that I’m not from a similar demographic to people at university, I’m from a poor single parent household and most people here come from some money.
I’ve been single since halfway though first year and haven’t had any proper intimacy with a woman since. I’m now going into third year. I’ve had opportunities but the girls were either not very attractive or I messed it up somehow by getting too drunk. I have no charisma, and the girl I like is lowkey promiscuous as ****. I’ve liked her since the start of uni but she just isn’t interested back. Basically I’m a loser in this regard as well, even a girl who sleeps around doesn’t want me. and the sad thing is it’s not even really to do with my looks. I’m just a troubled person, and I’ve taken out my trauma on other people, which makes me not want to date again.
It hurts knowing other students are making memories, having fun with their friends, dating and ******* each other, and here I am, from a broken and broke (£) household, mental issues, no money, few friends at uni, no girls interested in me, addicted to a few things. I’m just a loser all around.
I haven’t achieved a single bit of work experience throughout my time at uni, and for my field it’s kind of required. I fear that by the time third year comes around, I’ll be too busy trying to achieve a good grade to get any work exp. So I’m going to b a poor candidate.
if you’re first year please just don’t make the same mistakes as me
trying to improve but feel like it’s too late to make an impact on the people at uni. I’m just going to fade into obscurity. And no one will give a single **** about me when we all leave.