hi guys,
i'm in a huge dilemma. so this year, i was rejected from 4/4 medical schools and throughout the whole process, i realised that i didn't want to pursue medicine anymore. i think even if i got accepted into med, i still would not want to pursue medicine, as i've realised the main reason why i loved medicine so much was the science, and the science only LOL. i'm not a huge fan of the bureaucratic NHS system and the all-consuming side of medicine. i'd would much rather just study science (biology or natsci) at university, hopefully take a phD, and go into research. i really love biology and was hoping to apply for it this year, including oxbridge and UCL.
but on results day today, i got A*A*A and got a place for medicine at the university of birmingham, and surprisingly, i was quite upset. i didn't want to make such a massive decision, and to be honest, i was really excited to apply for biology this october. everyone i know is urging me to take it, that if i try a year of medicine i won't have any regrets, but in my heart, it really doesn't feel right. but i don't want to live with regrets in the future, but i also don't want to waste potentially numerous years studying medicine and deluding myself that i enjoy it when i'd rather do something else. please help me guys, also my uncle who's a doctor said if you love science and are good at it, the natural pathway is medicine but i can't help but disagree... i know i might be answering my own questions as i write this, but i've honestly never been more confused.
thank you in advance.