The Student Room Group

Official University of Southampton Applicants for 2024 Entry Thread

Hi 😊.

This is the thread for people who are thinking of applying to University of Southampton for 2024.

Meet and chat to other applicants applying here.

Here are some icebreaker questions, but feel free to ask whatever you want regarding Southampton.

1) What A Levels are you doing (or other eligible qualifications)?
2) What course at Southampton do you have your eyes on? And why?
3) What grades did you get/are you predicted to get at GCSE and Sixth Form?
4) Why Southampton specifically?
5) Which admissions tests do you have to sit if any, and when will you start preparing for them?
6) Will you be attending any Open Days?
7) How are you feeling about starting University?
8) Other unis you're interested in?

The general website for the university can be found here.

You can find a directory linking to all of the other university applicant threads here.

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1. I’m doing maths, biology, chemistry and physics for my A levels.
2. I’m looking to apply for MSci Biochem, as that gives me the flexibility to take or leave the fourth year as I decide.
3. GCSEs: 99999999876, plus an A in a short level three maths qualification. A levels: Predicted 4A*.
4. I love the campus, I have relatives who can testify that the uni provides a nice experience and it’s relatively highly ranked.
5. N/A
6. I attended an open day back in June (I think?), it really sold me on Southampton.
7. I’m excited to study biochemistry at a higher level, but daunted regarding independent living.
8. I’m also planning on applying to Cambridge, Imperial, Bath and UCL.
1) Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths
2) BSc Physics
3) A Levels: 4A* (no GCSE as I'm an international student)
4) Southampton has a great reputation in Physics and has one of the top research groups in optoelectronics and lasers (which is one of the subfield I'm interested in)
5) N/A
6) Nope, costs too much to fly over for an open day
7) Extremely looking forward as I can finally spend most of my time studying something I'm intrinsically interested in
8) Imperial, Edinburgh, Manchester, Bristol
Reply 3
2850 band 1 be safe for Southampton??
I do not recommend Southampton uni
Original post by Stuaccount122
I do not recommend Southampton uni

Why not?
Original post by Mittens43
1. I’m doing maths, biology, chemistry and physics for my A levels.
2. I’m looking to apply for MSci Biochem, as that gives me the flexibility to take or leave the fourth year as I decide.
3. GCSEs: 99999999876, plus an A in a short level three maths qualification. A levels: Predicted 4A*.
4. I love the campus, I have relatives who can testify that the uni provides a nice experience and it’s relatively highly ranked.
5. N/A
6. I attended an open day back in June (I think?), it really sold me on Southampton.
7. I’m excited to study biochemistry at a higher level, but daunted regarding independent living.
8. I’m also planning on applying to Cambridge, Imperial, Bath and UCL.

Wow we are literally applying for the same unis.
oo, Just got an unconditional offer for Electronic Engineering which is pretty exciting, as I have heard that it is one of if not the best UK uni for undergrad digital design and such.
Only one thing that worries me, for some reason the offer window doesn't say anything, its well blank and I am not sure if my fee status is home or international, any idea is this is supposed to be blank or is an error?
Reply 8
Congratulations on your offer! The only thing in my offer window is the requirements and it doesnt say there anything about fee status. So since your offer is unconditional, it makes sense that you have an empty box.
Hey, I also got an offer and it does show a fee status on my window (I am a international student). Maybe send them a email to check?
Original post by 6ss&1movie_lin
Hey, I also got an offer and it does show a fee status on my window (I am a international student). Maybe send them a email to check?

Hello, thanks, they reached out to me and sent a fee status questionnaire so looks like its alright.
has anyone else with offers been spammed by southampton? i’ve recieved 7 of the exact same disability emails in the last week
Reply 12
Original post by emiliedimmestol
has anyone else with offers been spammed by southampton? i’ve recieved 7 of the exact same disability emails in the last week

Nope! Just one of those emails!
Original post by emiliedimmestol
has anyone else with offers been spammed by southampton? i’ve recieved 7 of the exact same disability emails in the last week

I’ve gotten these even after responding, it’s really quite irritating.
I got an offer for MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics today!
Original post by Mittens43
I’ve gotten these even after responding, it’s really quite irritating.

Same, I get one every day, though I haven’t filled my in yet
Reply 16
Original post by Jdhehebe
I got an offer for MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics today!

congrats! what grades did you apply with? i’m applying to the same course soon
Original post by hash7v
congrats! what grades did you apply with? i’m applying to the same course soon

Thanks! I applied with A*AA and an A in as further maths. What are you predicted?
Original post by Jdhehebe
Thanks! I applied with A*AA and an A in as further maths. What are you predicted?

hi could i ask what your a level subjects were please?
Got my conditional offer early novemebr for Biomedical Engineering!

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