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Is a psychology degree hard without a science background?

Hi!! I need a bit of help!

So I do English Literature, History and Sociology Alevel and im in my second year with 3As in my AS exams.

Im interested in pursuing a psychology degree but I know most unis don’t accept my Alevels as ‘appropriate science subjects’ when I think sociology should be, but anyway! I’ve found a few unis that don’t require you to have any sciences but I wanted to ask if psychology is difficult if you don’t have a science background?

I did Double Award Science at GCSE but life got in the way and I didn’t end up picking any sciences for my Alevels.

Thanks for the help!
Psychology at degree level is a science subject - not a social science.

Some Unis may accept A level Psych on its own, but most will want another science/maths, but you do have to start thinking if a science based degree (with hefty maths/stats content) is actually what you want especially since you didnt choose these subjects at A level.

Would a joint subject degree (with Psychology) suit you better -
Sociology with Psychology -
Education with Psychology -
Psychology with Business and Management -
Criminology with Psychology -
Drama with Psychology -
Philosophy with Psychology -
etc etc
(edited 1 year ago)