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Should I go to the GP for a diagnosis?

I don't want to be THAT person that self-diagnoses.

But I feel as if I've been suffering with anxiety since I was 5. In recent years, thanks to COVID, some pretty big life changes, and some stressful decisions, it's gotten progressively worse and it's drastically impacting my day to day life.

Can GP's diagnose you with anxiety disorders? What's the diagnosis process like?

Any help would be very much appreciated!
If you think you're suffering from a mental health problem, definitely go to the gp. They can give you a diagnosis. Personally I don't suffer from anxiety but I was diagnosed with depression and prescribed medication in a 5 minute phone call. My gp is not very good though so idk. If you get a diagnosis the gp should refer you to another service (CAMHS if you're under 18, possibly NHS therapy, or most likely a mental health charity, either instead of or while you wait for NHS treatment). They can point you in the direction of other mental health services even if they don't diagnose you. Be prepared to wait several months (on the low end) for any actual treatment though, even with a diagnosis. You should also be able to get support from your university/college/whatever which will probably easier to access, and when you get a diagnosis speak to disability services and see if they can arrange additional support/adjustments for you.
I hope that helps somewhat, and best of luck with the doctor.

GP is primary care so general not a specialist. This means that they would need to refer you to secondary care e.g. hospital or psychology, for treatment and diagnosis in general.

However, the goal is getting help as psychology isn't necessary a permanent thing, especially if it is linked to covid and lockdown. In other words, you can recover.

It depends where you live, but there may be self help local services that you can go to by yourself ie self refer without GP.
There are internet resources.
Lots of self help books which are helpful (such as the "Overcoming" series e.g. Overcoming Anxiety, Overcoming Depression, etc).
There are health shops who may have practitioners there or advice e.g counselling, hypnotherapy.
There are groups you can go to if you don't mind being in a group. You don't necessarily have to talk and they may have ideas of where to go for help.
There are meditation classes and relaxation classes everywhere (plus online e.g. youtube Jason Stephenson, positive affirmations, guided things).

You can also do yoga, Tai Chi or Chi Kung/Qi Gong classes and groups (or see online like youtube or books). They are all forms of meditation and also overall wellbeing holistically.

A book I like is Tara Ward Healing Handbook (releasing old emotions and trauma in safe ways). Pick and choose which technique as some you may not like, some might be great. Repeat as much as you want.
There are other workbook practical books too.

Basically, learning and practicing calm as much as possible. Doesn't have to be all the time, just learn the habbit and skill.

Plus you have GP, NHS specialists, and private specialists you can pay to see.
Original post by Anonymous
I don't want to be THAT person that self-diagnoses.

But I feel as if I've been suffering with anxiety since I was 5. In recent years, thanks to COVID, some pretty big life changes, and some stressful decisions, it's gotten progressively worse and it's drastically impacting my day to day life.

Can GP's diagnose you with anxiety disorders? What's the diagnosis process like?

Any help would be very much appreciated!

The diagnosis process can be difficult, I recommend finding a family member or friend willing to advocate for you. They'll want to know all your symptoms, don't google any! Pick them all from your mind, as if you use professional/googled terms, they'll not believe you as much. They might want you to attend counselling initially, but if as you said, it drastically impacts daily life, they could be able to get you in for an assessment before that. Just remember, you need to advocate for yourself and don't let anyone tell you this isn't a problem. Seeking help is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
I don't want to be THAT person that self-diagnoses.

But I feel as if I've been suffering with anxiety since I was 5. In recent years, thanks to COVID, some pretty big life changes, and some stressful decisions, it's gotten progressively worse and it's drastically impacting my day to day life.

Can GP's diagnose you with anxiety disorders? What's the diagnosis process like?

Any help would be very much appreciated!

You do not need a diagnosis to get support with your mental health. Your GP can prescribe medication for anxiety/depression and may refer you for talking therapy. A qualified therapist would then assess you and work with you to decide upon the best treatment. This will be based on your presenting problem, symptoms and goals, not a diagnosis.

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