Yes you can do something about this. You have done everything practical to try and change the circumstances without success. Now devote yourself totally to your study and revision work and your chosen subjects. You can live for 8 months without friends, without a social life, without a nice environment if this is a short but necessary time frame to get what you need to get in order to find a better study environment (Uni)
College is a means to an end. Devote yourself now totally to the subjects you have chosen to study and focus entirely on the subject content and use your own ability and own self reliance to learn. If you don't have any distractions you have more time to revise and to study. You will never know what you can achieve until you overcome the difficulties you face in life. I can't think of a better personal statement starter for you. When you have put in place a remedial study plan, when you hold those certificates, when you graduate later down the line you can hold your head high. That will give you the confidence to know you can achieve anything in life if you put your mind to it.
Yes you can do this but you have to take control of your head and be determined to finish, not to use external factors as an easy excuse to give up. You have chosen to allow the physical environment to be an excuse for not getting your head around the subjects you want to study. You can if you want, be pragmatic, the building and the environment is as it is. You can't change that but you can change your own attitude to your study and work. Knuckle down, catch up and get the grades you need and leapfrog a set of circumstances that are not ideal but definitely not a reason to flake and give up.
This may not be the best time of your life but it probably won't be the worst. You made a bad choice, so deal with that. Make the best of a bad job. Acknowledge that if you allow this to consume you, that you will have nothing to show for two years at the end of it. What a waste. Go to your tutors now, make a plan (use this site) to catch up and give your sole time and effort to the subjects you are studying. Block out the bad environment (it could be far worse), block out the thought of 'no friends', 'poor me'. Get on with the job of gaining qualifications which has an early end point next year. This state of misery will not last for ever. It is a bad few months but achievable. Presuming you would want to go to Uni - start planning that leap. Go and visit Uni's and see which one's feel like a good fit for you. Get excited at your escape route. Research into your new study arena is a must, and that involves making the effort to go and physically find out what the campus feels like, and get the vibe from students already there.
If you need to get medical support go and get it. Look at the self help section of the MIND website for help with anxiety. But your life still doesn't change even if you find a reason to stop working and bail out of college. The lack of qualifications will still be there next year, and you will probably have no aim, no focus and no chance at making new friends at the new huge social people hub (aka Uni) in a few months time. If you want validation and reason's to avoid the hard head pain of work, study and revision, you can easily find them. When you get to the end of two years study next year you will probably have spent more time and effort avoiding the very thing you don't want to do. Turn this around, get a structured plan, stick to it and make your time work for you.