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Official PHYSICS applicants thread 2024

Are you applying to study physics at university this year?
Well this is the place for you!

Tell us about ...

Specific course:
Universities you're applying to:
A level / IB / Higher grades:
GCSE grades:
Any questions:

Share as much detail as you're comfortable with.

You may also want to have a look at this HUGE LIST of other applicants threads for all the universities you're applying to as well as potential other courses if you're a joint honours student.
(edited 1 year ago)

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Has anyone had any offers for physics yet?
Original post by Anonymous4728!
Has anyone had any offers for physics yet?

Yes - I applied to Oxford, Loughborough, York, Exeter and Cardiff, and have had conditional offers back from all except Oxford (for obvious reasons) within the last week.
Original post by Anonymous4728!
Has anyone had any offers for physics yet?

yep! i applied to cambridge (natural sciences), durham, edinburgh, lancaster, and york. i've got an interview at lancaster upcoming and offers from everywhere but cambridge. how about you?
Original post by asqwdfrgthjk
yep! i applied to cambridge (natural sciences), durham, edinburgh, lancaster, and york. i've got an interview at lancaster upcoming and offers from everywhere but cambridge. how about you?

Hi. Are you a home or international student please? Are you contextual? I’ve applied to Durham but not heard anything yet.
Original post by Anonymous4728!
Hi. Are you a home or international student please? Are you contextual? I’ve applied to Durham but not heard anything yet.

home student and contextual :smile:
Original post by asqwdfrgthjk
home student and contextual :smile:

Ok thanks and congratulations!
Original post by asqwdfrgthjk
yep! i applied to cambridge (natural sciences), durham, edinburgh, lancaster, and york. i've got an interview at lancaster upcoming and offers from everywhere but cambridge. how about you?

Congrats on your interview offer for Physics at Lancaster!
If you've got any questions about Lancaster or studying physics at university, feel free to ask!
-Jasmine (Lancaster Student Ambassador)
Original post by Lancaster Student Ambassador
Congrats on your interview offer for Physics at Lancaster!
If you've got any questions about Lancaster or studying physics at university, feel free to ask!
-Jasmine (Lancaster Student Ambassador)

what's the best way to prepare for an interview for lancaster? i love the support of the university but i am quite a shy/introverted person so have no idea how i will perform in an interview. also how much does the interview influence your place at the university?
Original post by asqwdfrgthjk
what's the best way to prepare for an interview for lancaster? i love the support of the university but i am quite a shy/introverted person so have no idea how i will perform in an interview. also how much does the interview influence your place at the university?


I'm also quite a shy person and interviews for UCAS were my first experiences of interviews so I was really nervous going into them. The best thing to do is to try not to worry about making mistakes, and don't be afraid to ask the interviewer questions as you go along.

At the interview, you'll generally be asked some questions based around your personal statement to begin with. This helps you gain confidence as you're talking about topics you are familiar with. Also, in my experience, everyone in the physics department is really friendly and welcoming. Try talking to some of the lecturers and students before your interview as this can help you feel more at ease.

In terms of preparation, there's nothing specific to do other than maybe go over your personal statement. If you have any questions, it can be a good idea to consider them beforehand and make a note. You're not expected to instantly know the answer to any of the physics questions you may be asked, and the interviewer will be more interested in seeing your thought process than you arriving instantly at the right answer, so there's nothing you need to 'revise' in particular. The interviewer will also try and help to guide you if you are really stuck.

I can't speak as to how much your interview will influence your place at the university, but if you have more questions you can try getting in contact with admissions at [email protected].

Hope this helps,
Becky (Lancaster University Student Ambassador)
Original post by Lancaster Student Ambassador

I'm also quite a shy person and interviews for UCAS were my first experiences of interviews so I was really nervous going into them. The best thing to do is to try not to worry about making mistakes, and don't be afraid to ask the interviewer questions as you go along.

At the interview, you'll generally be asked some questions based around your personal statement to begin with. This helps you gain confidence as you're talking about topics you are familiar with. Also, in my experience, everyone in the physics department is really friendly and welcoming. Try talking to some of the lecturers and students before your interview as this can help you feel more at ease.

In terms of preparation, there's nothing specific to do other than maybe go over your personal statement. If you have any questions, it can be a good idea to consider them beforehand and make a note. You're not expected to instantly know the answer to any of the physics questions you may be asked, and the interviewer will be more interested in seeing your thought process than you arriving instantly at the right answer, so there's nothing you need to 'revise' in particular. The interviewer will also try and help to guide you if you are really stuck.

I can't speak as to how much your interview will influence your place at the university, but if you have more questions you can try getting in contact with admissions at [email protected].

Hope this helps,
Becky (Lancaster University Student Ambassador)

thank you so so much, i really appreciate your advice. i'll definitely take this into consideration when preparing 🙂
Original post by asqwdfrgthjk
thank you so so much, i really appreciate your advice. i'll definitely take this into consideration when preparing 🙂

@Ghostlady - can you add anything (daughter at Lancaster doing Physics)
Original post by asqwdfrgthjk
yep! i applied to cambridge (natural sciences), durham, edinburgh, lancaster, and york. i've got an interview at lancaster upcoming and offers from everywhere but cambridge. how about you?

Hi @asqwdfrgthjk

Best of luck for your interview at Lancaster! Let us know if you have any questions!

Lancaster Student Ambassador
Original post by asqwdfrgthjk
what's the best way to prepare for an interview for lancaster? i love the support of the university but i am quite a shy/introverted person so have no idea how i will perform in an interview. also how much does the interview influence your place at the university?

Hi @asqwdfrgthjk

I think my advice will mostly echo what Becky has said but I thought that it may be worth giving my thoughts anyway.

The interview days at Lancaster are pretty informal. It is a chance for you to get a feel for the place as well as for the admissions team to assess your application. They usually consist of a taster talk, a demo and the interview. There is plenty of chance to talk to current students and academics, especially over lunch - so feel free to ask any questions you may have then. My interview focused on my personal statement and 2 questions about physics. The physics questions were more like conversations in that they are looking at your process and will talk with you about the topic to help you get to the answer.

Hope that helps

Lancaster Student Ambassador
Original post by asqwdfrgthjk
yep! i applied to cambridge (natural sciences), durham, edinburgh, lancaster, and york. i've got an interview at lancaster upcoming and offers from everywhere but cambridge. how about you?

Congratulations on your offer from Lancaster!

I’m currently a Physics PhD student and I also did my undergraduate physics degree at Lancaster and loved it!

Feel free to ask any questions about Lancaster Uni or our physics degree!

(Lancaster University Student Ambassador)
Original post by asqwdfrgthjk
yep! i applied to cambridge (natural sciences), durham, edinburgh, lancaster, and york. i've got an interview at lancaster upcoming and offers from everywhere but cambridge. how about you?

i have an interview for lancaster for physics too but im not sure what to expect do you have any ideas on what prep to do
Original post by Anonymous4728!
Has anyone had any offers for physics yet?

Yes but I am applying for astrophysics. I have gotten offers from Cardiff, Sheffield, Aberystwyth and an interview for Lancaster, haven't heard back from Edinburgh which is to be expected apparently they take a lot longer to give offers.
Original post by brooding-overall
i have an interview for lancaster for physics too but im not sure what to expect do you have any ideas on what prep to do

read your personal statement! make sure you know what you've said, etc.
it's genuinely a calm environment and they're actually interested in what you want to learn. i really enjoyed my interview even though i was very nervous and i got my offer exactly a week after the interview :smile:
good luck!!
Original post by brooding-overall
Yes but I am applying for astrophysics. I have gotten offers from Cardiff, Sheffield, Aberystwyth and an interview for Lancaster, haven't heard back from Edinburgh which is to be expected apparently they take a lot longer to give offers.

congrats on the offers! edinburgh seem to be being a little weird, i got my mathematical physics offer in early november and i've heard of a few straight physics but no astro yet
Reply 19
Hi, I'm international student and applied in Physics to Imperial, Manchester, Edinburgh and UCL, and had no feedback by now (only from Imperial for the test on 7/2). I applied end of December.
Did someone receive recently offers or news from them? Thanks!

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