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Chances of getting an offer from UCL Bsc Economics?

I'm an international IB student looking into applying for UCL economics and here are my predicted grades: 7,7,7 in math AIHL, economics, and business management and 766 in SL subjects + 2 core points totalling to 42/45. With a decent personal statement, do I stand a chance of receiving an offer for Bsc Economics at UCL?

Requirements listed are: 19 points total in HL subjects, achieving 7 in either stream math HL and 6 in economics HL, with 39 IB points minimum.

Here are other unis that I'm applying for (also for Econ): LSE, Warwick, Durham, Bath
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by abcdenatalie
I'm an international IB student looking into applying for UCL economics and here are my predicted grades: 7,7,7 in math AIHL, economics, and business management and 766 in SL subjects + 2 core points totalling to 42/45. With a decent personal statement, do I stand a chance of receiving an offer for Bsc Economics at UCL?

Requirements listed are: 19 points total in HL subjects, achieving 7 in either stream math HL and 6 in economics HL, with 39 IB points minimum.

Here are other unis that I'm applying for (also for Econ): LSE, Warwick, Durham, Bath

Take a look at last year's UCL offer spreadsheet here. If you filter for Economics (in about the 15 different ways people name that course!), and then glance down the list for candidates taking the IB you'll see these candidates who did not receive an offer (plus the reason given):

IB 777 at HL (Math AA, Econ, Business) - Strong competition
Achieved IB 41 776 HL(Maths, Econ, French) - Other applicants more competitive
IB 41 predicted - (HL 776 Econ, Math AA, English) - not as strong
45 IB HL: Math AA, Eng L&L, Econ - Strong competition
IB 44, HL 777 - Strong competition
45 maths econ spanish HL - not as strong
IB 44 (HL - Maths 7, Econs 7, Psych 7) - Application not as strong as that of others'

You will also see these candidates who did receive an offer:
IB 45 and HL Math, Econ and BM, 10A* IGCSE
44 IB, 777 HL Maths AI, Econ and Bio

Note that causation is not the same as correlation. Some of the above decision may have been based on things other than the IB itself.
hey thanks a lot for the info! do you happen to have similar offer spreadsheets for LSE and Warwick?
Original post by abcdenatalie
hey thanks a lot for the info! do you happen to have similar offer spreadsheets for LSE and Warwick?

LSE Offer Spreadsheet 2023
Warwick Offer Spreadsheet 2023

A few things to point out:
1. These spreadsheets are created and completed by users of TSR, so may not be representative of applicants in general.
2. The information which people provide may not be accurate.
3. The past does not always predict the future.
4. Correlation is not causation.
Reply 4
Original post by abcdenatalie
I'm an international IB student looking into applying for UCL economics and here are my predicted grades: 7,7,7 in math AIHL, economics, and business management and 766 in SL subjects + 2 core points totalling to 42/45. With a decent personal statement, do I stand a chance of receiving an offer for Bsc Economics at UCL?
Requirements listed are: 19 points total in HL subjects, achieving 7 in either stream math HL and 6 in economics HL, with 39 IB points minimum.
Here are other unis that I'm applying for (also for Econ): LSE, Warwick, Durham, Bath

Hello, I would be curious yo know if you got any clarification on your question. I am facing a similar question with IB subject choice for next year. How did you get on, if you don't mind my asking.
Good luck anyway!
Reply 5
Original post by Torrades
Hello, I would be curious yo know if you got any clarification on your question. I am facing a similar question with IB subject choice for next year. How did you get on, if you don't mind my asking.
Good luck anyway!

hey, sent you a private message, i do not want to disclose too much on here.
Reply 6
Original post by abcdenatalie
I'm an international IB student looking into applying for UCL economics and here are my predicted grades: 7,7,7 in math AIHL, economics, and business management and 766 in SL subjects + 2 core points totalling to 42/45. With a decent personal statement, do I stand a chance of receiving an offer for Bsc Economics at UCL?
Requirements listed are: 19 points total in HL subjects, achieving 7 in either stream math HL and 6 in economics HL, with 39 IB points minimum.
Here are other unis that I'm applying for (also for Econ): LSE, Warwick, Durham, Bath
where are you going?
Please tell me your offers
Thank you
Reply 7
Original post by abcdenatalie
hey, sent you a private message, i do not want to disclose too much on here.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I have read the messages, much aporeciated. Unfortunately am unable to PM you, which is why I am writing here. Thank you again and best of luck !!

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