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QMUL Psychology

I have an offer for QMUL to study psychology. Was seeing if anyone has studied here, what the course is like, social life, accommodation, living in London etc.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by User_F1
I have an offer for QMUL to study psychology. Was seeing if anyone has studied here, what the course is like, social life, accommodation, living in London etc.

I'm currently studying psychology in Queen Mary! I quite like the course, it's interesting and it's made to be a smooth transition into university, unlike other courses out there. You get a couple of "free days" a week, most of our teaching is concentrated in 2-3 days a week, and exams during your first year will be all multiple-choice questions. The staff are also exceedingly friendly and approachable and most of them are great lecturers! We did have one that was a bit dull but that's unavoidable wherever you go.

Social life is anything you want it to be. There are many events, you are spoilt for choice when it comes to societies, and the Half Moon pub down the road is the pub of choice for pretty much all Queen Mary students and you'll find a bunch of QM students there every night. We do have a uni bar called Drapers, but nobody's a big fan of it for some reason. Our local tube station is Mile End, served by the Hammersmith & City, District and Central lines, so we're very well connected to central London where there is always something going on! Campus becomes a ghost town on the weekends though and you're left reliant on friends in order to do things with people. Most psychology students commute though (I only know like three other psychology students on campus) so if you live on campus, it's very likely that you will not be hanging out much with other psychologists. But that's alright, the people are very friendly and you won't struggle to make friends outside the course.

The accomodation is dirt cheap compared to other London unis. It's alright. The rooms are nice and they tend to be spacious. Wild variability in kitchens though - my kitchen looks quite dated and we have a microwave that looks as old as me, but other kitchens are much nicer and modern. Been on a kitchen that overlooks the cemetery (we have a cemetery on campus for... reasons). Everything on accommodation works though, and if it doesn't, maintenance are exceedingly quick to fix things when you report them.

Living in London... is expensive. We're also in a not so nice bit of London - it's alright, but it's dirty and has a lot of problems. We're usually blissfully unaware of these problems though, because campus is a whole separate world and we only go out to either go to the aforementioned Half Moon or Mile End tube station, to catch the tube to the fun bits of town - plenty of things to do in London, you will not be bored here if you don't want to be bored, that's for sure!

If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask :smile:
Original post by Scotland Yard
I'm currently studying psychology in Queen Mary! I quite like the course, it's interesting and it's made to be a smooth transition into university, unlike other courses out there. You get a couple of "free days" a week, most of our teaching is concentrated in 2-3 days a week, and exams during your first year will be all multiple-choice questions. The staff are also exceedingly friendly and approachable and most of them are great lecturers! We did have one that was a bit dull but that's unavoidable wherever you go.
Social life is anything you want it to be. There are many events, you are spoilt for choice when it comes to societies, and the Half Moon pub down the road is the pub of choice for pretty much all Queen Mary students and you'll find a bunch of QM students there every night. We do have a uni bar called Drapers, but nobody's a big fan of it for some reason. Our local tube station is Mile End, served by the Hammersmith & City, District and Central lines, so we're very well connected to central London where there is always something going on! Campus becomes a ghost town on the weekends though and you're left reliant on friends in order to do things with people. Most psychology students commute though (I only know like three other psychology students on campus) so if you live on campus, it's very likely that you will not be hanging out much with other psychologists. But that's alright, the people are very friendly and you won't struggle to make friends outside the course.
The accomodation is dirt cheap compared to other London unis. It's alright. The rooms are nice and they tend to be spacious. Wild variability in kitchens though - my kitchen looks quite dated and we have a microwave that looks as old as me, but other kitchens are much nicer and modern. Been on a kitchen that overlooks the cemetery (we have a cemetery on campus for... reasons). Everything on accommodation works though, and if it doesn't, maintenance are exceedingly quick to fix things when you report them.
Living in London... is expensive. We're also in a not so nice bit of London - it's alright, but it's dirty and has a lot of problems. We're usually blissfully unaware of these problems though, because campus is a whole separate world and we only go out to either go to the aforementioned Half Moon or Mile End tube station, to catch the tube to the fun bits of town - plenty of things to do in London, you will not be bored here if you don't want to be bored, that's for sure!
If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask :smile:

hey what was your experience living in halls? how many people did you share a kitchen with and what was the ratio of girls to boys 😭😭 im moving in september to pooley house and i don’t want to be stuck with all boys 🥲
Original post by Anonymous
hey what was your experience living in halls? how many people did you share a kitchen with and what was the ratio of girls to boys 😭😭 im moving in september to pooley house and i don’t want to be stuck with all boys 🥲

I shared a kitchen with 5 other people (in Pooley you might share with up to 6 other people though). The flats tend to be split evenly between boys and girls.

My experience in halls was good! My room was comfortable and I got along with my flatmates. Maintenance was very quick to fix anything we reported. Your hall experience will greatly depend on the people you live with though, so keep that in mind.
(edited 7 months ago)

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