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Neuroscience msc with a psychology bsc?


I’m currently a second year psychology student at Queen Mary, I’ve absolutely loved my modules which have delved into neuroscience and I really believe Id like to go into this in the future. However most of the London unis I’m interested in, e.g., QMUL, kcl, UCL etc state that to do an msc in neuroscience you need an undergrad in a biological discipline or related discipline - does this mean I can still go into a neuroscience MSc with a psychology bsc/ does it count as a relevant/biological discipline for these universities in particular?? Id love to apply I’m just worried of being rejected on the basis of me not meeting the requirements or if psychology undergrads can apply for a neuroscience msc at these universities.

Any help or experience would be much appreciated thankyou!
Reply 1
Go for it, plenty of people doing neuroscience MSc even from unrelated backgrounds (like business). I got into neuroscience at KCl after psychology at Greenwich
Reply 2
Hi there! i would also say go for it! I received offer from Msc neuroscience at UCL and plenty of the offer holders have a psychology background. The course is designed for people with different backgrounds!
Reply 3
Original post by dk2406
Go for it, plenty of people doing neuroscience MSc even from unrelated backgrounds (like business). I got into neuroscience at KCl after psychology at Greenwich

How did you like the program? I'm an incoming MSc Neuroscience student at KCL from the US and was wondering what you enjoyed from the program (professors, coursework, anything really...) and what you thought could have been done better... Thank you!

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