Hi iam in second stage of NHS graduate management scheme. Anybody knows what is the question they asked please ? I don't have any idea. Any app available for practice please?
Hi iam in second stage of NHS graduate management scheme. Anybody knows what is the question they asked please ? I don't have any idea. Any app available for practice please?
Hmmm....Im going to sit this later this evening. I doubt anyone will really be willing to share the questions. I did however do one for Lloyds TSB Risk scheme, and it really is work based scenarios....they will likely give an assessment on what the work can be like on a day to day basis. This will likely be having to manage a work project or work issues, and maybe reporting back on the project or giving some sort of advice. And I think there will be questions on strengths and behaviours, what do you like doing and what you enjoy doing and what you thrive in doing. In relation to apps, I couldn't find anything. But if you are after someone telling you what questions were asked, I think it would be rare for anyone to say so. Look, it's no big deal, apply this year and see what happens, and if you don't get in just ensure you are prepared for the next years lot of applications. There are so many graduate schemes available, just hit them all or as many as possible and you will soon get it right.
Hmmm....Im going to sit this later this evening. I doubt anyone will really be willing to share the questions. I did however do one for Lloyds TSB Risk scheme, and it really is work based scenarios....they will likely give an assessment on what the work can be like on a day to day basis. This will likely be having to manage a work project or work issues, and maybe reporting back on the project or giving some sort of advice. And I think there will be questions on strengths and behaviours, what do you like doing and what you enjoy doing and what you thrive in doing. In relation to apps, I couldn't find anything. But if you are after someone telling you what questions were asked, I think it would be rare for anyone to say so. Look, it's no big deal, apply this year and see what happens, and if you don't get in just ensure you are prepared for the next years lot of applications. There are so many graduate schemes available, just hit them all or as many as possible and you will soon get it right.
Thank you so much chan_csd. I will try next year and going to look other graduate schemes also😊
Hi iam in second stage of NHS graduate management scheme. Anybody knows what is the question they asked please ? I don't have any idea. Any app available for practice please?
NHS work based Scenerio (stage 2)
Total questions is 32
80% of it is Situational Judgemental questions like you did previously.
Then some personality trait questions.
4 video interview: 1. What step will you take to form relationship with stakeholders on a project
2. What do you think is the benefit of working with other people across organisations within the NHS compared with working only with your direct team?
3. If you had a choice between learning a new skill at work or repeating a task you do well, what would you choose & why?
4. What appeals to you most about working with NHS?