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Best extracurriculars for Oxford uni?

I want to study Biology or chemistry at Oxford in a couple of years (currently year 12), but i'm not sure what extracurricular's I should be doing in addition to my current courses (chemistry, biology and math)?
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous #1
I want to study Biology or chemistry at Oxford in a couple of years (currently year 12), but i'm not sure what extracurricular's I should be doing in addition to my current courses (chemistry, biology and math)?

You need supercurriculars. Focus on activities outside the classroom that can demonstrate your interest in your subjects.
Original post by Anonymous
I want to study Biology or chemistry at Oxford in a couple of years (currently year 12), but i'm not sure what extracurricular's I should be doing in addition to my current courses (chemistry, biology and math)?

As above, focus on supercurriculars. Extracurriculars are of little to no benefit unless you can justify some way in which they have academically benefitted you.

I am studying chemistry at Oxford and my supercurriculars that I mentioned in my personal statement were as follows:

-I mentored students doing A level chemistry to get practice with articulating my thoughts and improving my communication skills.

-I participated in the RSC chemistry Olympiad in 2022 (getting as far as round 2), which helped me to develop better problem solving skills and my prep for round 2 helped me to develop time-management skills.

-I read a number of chapters of several chemistry books, including “Chemistry^3: Introducing inorganic, organic and physical chemistry” by Burrows et al (I really recommend this if you plan on studying chemistry) and explained in my PS how it challenged what I had studied at A level and prior.

Since both biology and chemistry are largely academic degrees, I imagine lab work and work experience won’t benefit you much (if at all), so don’t stress about finding any.
I do law not a science subject but it would be helpful for any subject to download Oxford's subject reading list and read a few of the books on it, you could also mention any awards you've won within or outside of your school that are connected to your subject, or if your school facilitates you attending any talks/lectures on your subject, and as other people have mentioned, look at doing some tutoring for GCSE students in science subjects
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous #1
I want to study Biology or chemistry at Oxford in a couple of years (currently year 12), but i'm not sure what extracurricular's I should be doing in addition to my current courses (chemistry, biology and math)?

Oxford don't really care about extracurriculars apart from ones which directly link to the course you're applying to

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