The Student Room Group

Adult nursing uni timetable

Hello im hoping to start BCU next year 2024. Worried about my childcare, is my uni timetable fixed for a whole year or for a whole term? Or does it change weekly. Ive already got a childcare for my toddler but they cant be flexible with me as some days of the week they are fully booked with kids. I have to have a fixed timetable with childcare. Is it the same with uni? Hope you understand. Thank you.
Ps: if anyones got their timetable please do show so i can know how it is.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Shima89
Hello im hoping to start BCU next year 2024. Worried about my childcare, is my uni timetable fixed for a whole year or for a whole term? Or does it change weekly. Ive already got a childcare for my toddler but they cant be flexible with me as some days of the week they are fully booked with kids. I have to have a fixed timetable with childcare. Is it the same with uni? Hope you understand. Thank you.
Ps: if anyones got their timetable please do show so i can know how it is.

When you start, you will get your timetable which will show when you're on theory and when you're on placement.
The timetable will show lecture/seminar times for when you're in uni on theory blocks. These lectures and seminars will be scheduled by the university, the timetable is fixed by them.
As for placement... you can ask for certain shifts but this cannot be guaranteed and is 100% manager discretion. All student nurses have to do 2300 over the 3 years (20-21 weeks a year at 37.5 hours a week), including all shifts. If a placement is 9-5 Monday-Friday (community, outpatients, clinics), then you need to so these hours in order to complete placement hours. If a placement does shifts (hospital wards, nursing homes), these can be shifts such as 730am-830pm days/8pm-8am nights, or days split into early/late shifts. "I can't start til 8am because of childcare" doesn't wash with a shift that starts 7-730am.
Original post by Shima89
Thank you for your reply. So can u request for certain shifts? Like i dont mind doing night shifts and 9.5. But long early hours such as 7-30 to 8.30 would be an issue. Also how long do u do ur theorys before going to placement. I know its 50/50 theory plus placements.

So long days where I work are 730am-830pm. You can do earlies (730am-230pm) and lates (130pm-830pm). Nights are 8pm-8am. Other places do days 7am-730pm and nights 7pm-730am (not sure what their earlies/lates look like but they do exist).
Yes you can request shifts, however 1) it's managerial discression what they honour 2) on a ward placement you cannot live on nights and learn due to learning opportunites. For the placements where you do shifts, you aboslutely have to be there that early to get handover and start that day on a long day/early shift - there isn't a way of learning how to take handover for 10-15 patients and start a day if you're never there to do it. If you need to do half days rather than long days to accommodate childcare, that's OK.
Theory blocks before starting placement depends on the university. Some start placement in November of 1st year, others don't start til January of 1st year.
Reply 3
Original post by Emily_B
So long days where I work are 730am-830pm. You can do earlies (730am-230pm) and lates (130pm-830pm). Nights are 8pm-8am. Other places do days 7am-730pm and nights 7pm-730am (not sure what their earlies/lates look like but they do exist).
Yes you can request shifts, however 1) it's managerial discression what they honour 2) on a ward placement you cannot live on nights and learn due to learning opportunites. For the placements where you do shifts, you aboslutely have to be there that early to get handover and start that day on a long day/early shift - there isn't a way of learning how to take handover for 10-15 patients and start a day if you're never there to do it. If you need to do half days rather than long days to accommodate childcare, that's OK.
Theory blocks before starting placement depends on the university. Some start placement in November of 1st year, others don't start til January of 1st year.

Thank u very much. I really appreciate it 🙏

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