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Hi! Is anyone starting Midwifery at Bolton in April 2024?

I've been offered a place to start Midwifery at Bolton in April 2024 and I just wondered if anyone here will be doing the same. I thought it would be nice to try and get to know some people beforehand.

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I’m also an April starter 🙂 I’ve only just had my place confirmed after my interview on Wednesday, do you know much about it?
Reply 2
Original post by Mamaclark89

I’m also an April starter 🙂 I’ve only just had my place confirmed after my interview on Wednesday, do you know much about it?

Hi! That’s amazing. I had my interview in early December. I originally applied for the January intake, but was given April instead - probably a blessing in disguise.

I haven’t heard much from the university but it took about a week to get UCAS to send an email to confirm my place. When they sent this they also asked me to upload all my certificates, and once I did this, Bolton confirmed my place and that’s it. The university confirms everything much quicker than UCAS does so you know you have a place before UCAS send anything over which is nice so you’re not left waiting anxiously for weeks. All in all it took about 2 weeks from interview to the university confirming my place.

I’m changing careers from teaching, a mother of 2, aged 8 and 9, finally pursuing what I wanted to do. How are you feeling about it, and what’s your background? X
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Smiley91
Hi! That’s amazing. I had my interview in early December. I originally applied for the January intake, but was given April instead - probably a blessing in disguise.

I haven’t heard much from the university but it took about a week to get UCAS to send an email to confirm my place. When they sent this they also asked me to upload all my certificates, and once I did this, Bolton confirmed my place and that’s it. The university confirms everything much quicker than UCAS does so you know you have a place before UCAS send anything over which is nice so you’re not left waiting anxiously for weeks. All in all it took about 2 weeks from interview to the university confirming my place.

I’m changing careers from teaching, a mother of 2, aged 8 and 9, finally pursuing what I wanted to do. How are you feeling about it, and what’s your background? X

Oh, UCAS updated my application before the uni confirmed it for me haha! I had originally applied for Jan, but interviewing late Jan, the April is much better! I wouldn’t have wanted a late start to catch up! They did ask if I wanted to join the cohort though.

I’ve just got to upload my certificates and it’s sorted!

I’m a mum of three - 1, 2 and 4. I currently work in the NHS, but operationally, not clinical. I’ve wanted to be a midwife forever, even applied when I was 19, but it wasn’t the right time. I took the plunge in Nov and applied thinking it was now or never and here I am! 15 years later 😱

I’m still a little in shock and wondering how I’m going to manage with childcare etc. I’ve got it all sorted at the minute but if any days etc need moving I need to give notice so could do with a timetable sooner rather than later!

How are you feeling about it all?
Reply 4
Original post by Mamaclark89
Oh, UCAS updated my application before the uni confirmed it for me haha! I had originally applied for Jan, but interviewing late Jan, the April is much better! I wouldn’t have wanted a late start to catch up! They did ask if I wanted to join the cohort though.

I’ve just got to upload my certificates and it’s sorted!

I’m a mum of three - 1, 2 and 4. I currently work in the NHS, but operationally, not clinical. I’ve wanted to be a midwife forever, even applied when I was 19, but it wasn’t the right time. I took the plunge in Nov and applied thinking it was now or never and here I am! 15 years later 😱

I’m still a little in shock and wondering how I’m going to manage with childcare etc. I’ve got it all sorted at the minute but if any days etc need moving I need to give notice so could do with a timetable sooner rather than later!

How are you feeling about it all?

That’s amazing that UCAS did that first. I think it will be quicker than mine as April is nearer. Yeah, I wouldn’t have liked to catch up. Maybe some people didn’t make January cohort so they probably had last minute positions. That’s what I was told first but then they gave me April.

I was surprised too as I have no prior experience, just my passion and teaching transferable skills. It’s nice that you come from the NHS. I completely agree - I think doing this at 18 I probably wouldn’t have stuck with it and ran at the first sight of it getting tough. I think we should always trust timing. You should be proud of yourself! I’m glad you didn’t give up.

Midwifery is a competitive degree to get into so hats off to you, and with three children of such a young age as well.

I think with childcare, it does work out. See if you’re eligible for the childcare grant through student finance. My income has massively dropped so I was eligible which is comforting.

I am nervous, it will be a challenging three years but will be worth it. I wish we had some clue to a timetable too, but I imagine we will have an introductory week where all this will be given. I’ve told my childminder to keep me 2 spaces open for the full week, and will clarify once the course starts.

I’ll be commuting from Manchester. Are you based in Bolton?
(edited 1 year ago)
Hi Both,
I have just applied for the Bolton university Midwifery intake for April. Please can you advise when you heard back after applying? I’m afraid from reading the above it might be too late for me to get into this years intake. Also how was the interview process, is it in person or teams? Any tips welcome :smile:
I am myself retraining as it’s something I have always wanted to do and agreed that the timing hasn’t been right until now, I probably wouldn’t have coped at 18, but I’m 27 now and I’m finally persuing my dream career!

Thankyou in advance!
Original post by Katie1586
Hi Both,
I have just applied for the Bolton university Midwifery intake for April. Please can you advise when you heard back after applying? I’m afraid from reading the above it might be too late for me to get into this years intake. Also how was the interview process, is it in person or teams? Any tips welcome :smile:
I am myself retraining as it’s something I have always wanted to do and agreed that the timing hasn’t been right until now, I probably wouldn’t have coped at 18, but I’m 27 now and I’m finally persuing my dream career!

Thankyou in advance!


I applied in Nov and heard just before Christmas about my interview, I had initially applied for Jan intake and was offered both 🙂 so I wouldn’t worry too much yet. Have you had confirmation they’ve received your application?

There is an online literacy and numeracy module and then a face to face interview. It was really chilled and relaxed. Just be yourself in the only thing I can advise and remember why you want to do this.

I was exactly the same 🙂 never the right time so I’ve just gone for it.

Good luck! X
Original post by Mamaclark89

I applied in Nov and heard just before Christmas about my interview, I had initially applied for Jan intake and was offered both 🙂 so I wouldn’t worry too much yet. Have you had confirmation they’ve received your application?

There is an online literacy and numeracy module and then a face to face interview. It was really chilled and relaxed. Just be yourself in the only thing I can advise and remember why you want to do this.

I was exactly the same 🙂 never the right time so I’ve just gone for it.

Good luck! X

No I literally applied on Saturday via UCAS - So some the other university’s have come back with a acknowledgment of my application - I did call Bolton today but they haven’t received it so will try again at the end of the week. I feel like I’m on a bit of a time crunch as my notice period for my current job is 8 weeks, so I need hand it in, in good time - I don’t want to prematurely quit 😅

Thanks for the interview tips - I have also started an access course but Bolton said they don’t need this from me, but other universities do - Which also starts this week. Everything is just a bit up in the air at the moment, but I’m just eager to get into the driving seat and start 😊
Original post by Katie1586
No I literally applied on Saturday via UCAS - So some the other university’s have come back with a acknowledgment of my application - I did call Bolton today but they haven’t received it so will try again at the end of the week. I feel like I’m on a bit of a time crunch as my notice period for my current job is 8 weeks, so I need hand it in, in good time - I don’t want to prematurely quit 😅

Thanks for the interview tips - I have also started an access course but Bolton said they don’t need this from me, but other universities do - Which also starts this week. Everything is just a bit up in the air at the moment, but I’m just eager to get into the driving seat and start 😊

I started an access course too I’m currently half way through it but it’s very full on as I’ve condensed into six months 😱 Bolton don’t need it but my back up does so I’m in two minds to if I keep on with it - just in case.

Can’t you provisionally use holidays with your notice? That’s if you have AL left? Thankfully I only needed 4 weeks notice but I’ve given them 11 😂 I do believe the start date is 22/04. And they let you know quite quickly post interview which I’m always grateful for!

Where else have you applied out of interest? 🙂 I think Bolton did acknowledge my application a little while after the others, the admissions team there is really responsive though so I think that’s always positive!
Yeah I’m not even sure how long my access course is - In sure it’s 1 year but I’m hoping for completion sooner as my other universities need me to complete this by September this year!
I think if Bolton have firmly accepted you, I’d just ask the question and see if the offer is conditional to you finishing the access course, if not then I suppose you could drop out?

I have applied to Manchester, Salford and Huddersfield - but Bolton is my first choice due to the fact I can start a lot sooner and also they have always been very helpful with all my queries in comparison to the other universities - Which does make a difference.

I don’t think my company would let me use my annual leave, unless I book in what I have before I hand my notice in - But I can’t do any of that until I know I have been successful.

Hopefully it all works out 😅
Original post by Mamaclark89
I started an access course too I’m currently half way through it but it’s very full on as I’ve condensed into six months 😱 Bolton don’t need it but my back up does so I’m in two minds to if I keep on with it - just in case.

Can’t you provisionally use holidays with your notice? That’s if you have AL left? Thankfully I only needed 4 weeks notice but I’ve given them 11 😂 I do believe the start date is 22/04. And they let you know quite quickly post interview which I’m always grateful for!

Where else have you applied out of interest? 🙂 I think Bolton did acknowledge my application a little while after the others, the admissions team there is really responsive though so I think that’s always positive!

I’ve just been offered an interview for the 18th of April - concerned it’s so close to the start date of the course! 😥
Original post by Katie1586
I’ve just been offered an interview for the 18th of April - concerned it’s so close to the start date of the course! 😥

Oh no! Surely work will be understanding? If not you could always wait for Sept or even defer until Jan? I know the wait is awful! But at least it’s not rushing! Good luck for the 18th!! X
Hi everyone, I am currently a student midwife at the University of Bolton so any questions let me know 🙂 x
Original post by Mamaclark89
Oh no! Surely work will be understanding? If not you could always wait for Sept or even defer until Jan? I know the wait is awful! But at least it’s not rushing! Good luck for the 18th!! X

Thankyou! I think they are able to move it to next week which is good 👍🏻
I don’t think they september intakes, just January and April x
Original post by jesspreston1
Hi everyone, I am currently a student midwife at the University of Bolton so any questions let me know 🙂 x

Hi Jess,
That’s really kind of you! If you have some interview tips that would be great! Also do you know in regards to placement, if we can do this in Manchester or is it solely Bolton hospitals?

Original post by Katie1586
Thankyou! I think they are able to move it to next week which is good 👍🏻
I don’t think they september intakes, just January and April x

Oh I thought you’d applied at other unis sorry - that’s why I’d mentioned Sept 🙂 but at least you’ve got it sorted now! Good luck! Let us know how you get on ☺️ x
Original post by Katie1586
Hi Jess,
That’s really kind of you! If you have some interview tips that would be great! Also do you know in regards to placement, if we can do this in Manchester or is it solely Bolton hospitals?


I’m sure it was mentioned at the Open Day that the April intake was solely Manchester? But don’t quote me!
Original post by Mamaclark89
Oh I thought you’d applied at other unis sorry - that’s why I’d mentioned Sept 🙂 but at least you’ve got it sorted now! Good luck! Let us know how you get on ☺️ x

Hi, yes I did haha, sorry I thought you were just referring to Bolton, which is my first choice really - So hopefully it all goes to plan!
Original post by Katie1586
Hi, yes I did haha, sorry I thought you were just referring to Bolton, which is my first choice really - So hopefully it all goes to plan!

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, for next week! X
Original post by Mamaclark89
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, for next week! X

Thankyou 🥰

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