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sociology paper structure help

I have a paper due in a month on my access to HE course, it's a sociology paper, and i need help getting a grade at distinction, and i don't really know how to structure the essay, or what terminology/structure would give me a higher grade. all input would be appreciated. the assignment is described as follows:
1. what is the role of the family in modern british society. (compare and contrast 2 different sociological theories on the role of family in society (feminism and functionalism). should include critical analysis and discussion that draws on the two perspectives in detail.
2. analyse an aspect of change in family, households, or personal relation -choose a specific focus for your report linked to one of the following areas (changes in structure,size,and composition of households),(changes in social functions of the family)(changes in roles and responsibilities)(changes in marriage, divorce, cohabitation and parenthood)
1.1 explain the main features of at least two theories on the role of the family in society
1.2 evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of different theories
2.1 outlinke key changes in the family, personal relationships and household
2.2 discuss different explanations of changes
3.1 interpret at least two sets of selected date on an aspect of family households
3.2 evaluate evidence on an aspect of family life please, all input welcomed. and thank you for your time and knowledge on the subject.
Original post by benjamin992
I have a paper due in a month on my access to HE course, it's a sociology paper, and i need help getting a grade at distinction, and i don't really know how to structure the essay, or what terminology/structure would give me a higher grade. all input would be appreciated. the assignment is described as follows:
1. what is the role of the family in modern british society. (compare and contrast 2 different sociological theories on the role of family in society (feminism and functionalism). should include critical analysis and discussion that draws on the two perspectives in detail.
2. analyse an aspect of change in family, households, or personal relation -choose a specific focus for your report linked to one of the following areas (changes in structure,size,and composition of households),(changes in social functions of the family)(changes in roles and responsibilities)(changes in marriage, divorce, cohabitation and parenthood)
1.1 explain the main features of at least two theories on the role of the family in society
1.2 evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of different theories
2.1 outlinke key changes in the family, personal relationships and household
2.2 discuss different explanations of changes
3.1 interpret at least two sets of selected date on an aspect of family households
3.2 evaluate evidence on an aspect of family life please, all input welcomed. and thank you for your time and knowledge on the subject.

Hello Benjamin, did you get any assistance please? You can get back to me asap.

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