I'm a year 11 student and i wont lie i'm really going through it in school.
I kind of hit an epiphany today after having my Spanish speaking mock, in which I did well for some parts but others went terribly for many reasons and I wanted to choose this subject as an a-level, and my teacher knows and made me reconsider after this.
I realised that every a-level I want to do I probably won't succeed at/ do exceptionally well, spanish for example. I'm pretty good at every other aspect other than speaking.
I am pretty good at art as well, but problem is i take WAY to long to finish my work, as it needs to be perfect. My work itself is grade 7-8 worthy according to my teacher, but she gave me a 4 ( a borderline 3) on the system because I haven't done enough pages to show development and I also got about 4% of my mock final piece done in 10 hours. Art was my reserve a-level.
I used to love history but didn't take the GCSE so I decided i want to do the a level bc I do still like history but it is apparently one of the hardest a-levels and I need to do well in English and media gcse since i didn't do history gcse.
I also wanted to do psychology a level but i know that is hard as well and I dont even know if i like the subject, its just the only other option i have .
I am terrible at all of the core subjects no matter how hard I try so all of those are immediately out of the question. I don't excel in them, and I have to bend over backwards and sacrifice everything to get a 9 if I wanted to as it doesn't come naturally. Even then I don't get a 9. Like even if i do revise i forget everything once in the exam.
I really don't know what to do, I don't think I'll do well in any a-level.