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I’m currently at the stage to choose my a-levels but I’m worried…

I’ve finished my first set of mocks and got 9s in 7 of my 10 subjects. I take art, geo, computing, phys, chem, bio, maths, english lang and lit, RS, further maths level 2.
The problem is, is that I was considering a law degree or even PPE and tbh I was open to anything and I thought I would know now I’m in this position. But I don’t.
I flopped english and computing slightly and now I’m really unsure abt law which has been my main subject of interest due to my english scores.
I’ve always been good at sciences and been interested in them but never really medicine; however, I don’t mind doing a single science mainly physics or chemistry or computing. But these days I’m wondering about it being a possibility.

My main problem is further maths a level, I’m smart in maths but not in the extent to do FSMQ where geniuses r. I’m good but not good but with effort I am. Everyone I’ve met who does further tell me never to do it if u don’t like maths.
What should I do?
The subjects I’m considering are Maths, Physics, Chem, Eco (not sure but in case PPE or other)
Also I’m aiming for London unis, then is further maths really favoured a lot for physics degree?
And do you think chemistry/physics is a good degree and what careers/jobs could I go from it and do they actually pay well in the long run?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Bumikaa
I’ve finished my first set of mocks and got 9s in 7 of my 10 subjects. I take art, geo, computing, phys, chem, bio, maths, english, RS, further maths level 2.
The problem is, is that I was considering a law degree or even PPE and tbh I was open to anything and I thought I would know now I’m in this position. But I don’t.
I flopped english and computing slightly and now I’m really unsure abt law which has been my main subject of interest.
I’ve always been good at sciences and been interested in them but never really medicine; however, I don’t mind doing a single science mainly physics or chemistry or computing.

My main problem is further maths a level, I’m smart in maths but not in the extent to do FSMQ where geniuses r. I’m good but not good but with effort I am. Everyone I’ve met who does further tell me never to do it if u don’t like a maths.
What should I do?
The subjects I’m considering are Maths, Physics, Chem, Eco (not sure but in case PPE or other)
Also if I’m for London unis, then is further maths really favoured a lot for physics degree?
And do you think chemistry/physics is a good degree and what careers/jobs could I go from it?

Everyone I’ve met who does further tell me never to do it if u don’t like a maths.What should I do?
As someone who is doing FM, I can vouch for this. It's not an easy A Level, and it builds on Maths. Typically, the A Level is highly preferred if you intend to apply for quantitiative degrees at top end unis e.g. economics, physics, computer science, engineering.

The subjects I’m considering are Maths, Physics, Chem, Eco (not sure but in case PPE or other)
PPE and law degrees accept A Levels in any subject generally. Some PPE might ask for maths due to the econmics component, but even then you won't need eco.
Maths, physics, and chem would open you to a large number of degrees across the board. Maths in particular is one of the most widely required subjects out there.
With Chem, you can still go into medicine at some unis (19 or so unis in the country) if you still want to, even though you didn't do biology.

Also if I’m for London unis, then is further maths really favoured a lot for physics degree?
Ususally at top end unis. Whilst London has a few top end unis, not all of them are.

And do you think chemistry/physics is a good degree and what careers/jobs could I go from it?
Directly, they are typically asked for by a number of STEM graduate positions. Chemistry would allow you to go into science roles in both life sciences and physical sciences/engineering.
If you want to go into engineering, physics is a better fit since you don't get as much maths in chemistry.
If you want to go into a quantitative role in finance (there are nonquantitative front office roles in finance as well), quantitiative degrees like physics, engineering, and maths tend to be preferred (whilst not strictly a requirement). For specific roles like actuary, you would need at least A Level Maths in order to get in.
Whilst you don't strictly need a degree in computer science to get into tech/data science, they sometimes prefer graduates with quantitative degrees (because they teach programming in them) for grad schemes e.g. physics, computer science, maths, engineering.
And of course, with a degree in any subject, you can get into teaching so long you jump through a few hoops.

For other roles outside of STEM, it's pretty much any role that accept degrees in any subject. There are roughly 600/800 different roles that fit this category, so it's going to take a while to go through all of them. General gist of it is:


Government services

Social work

Some areas of healthcare

Most areas of business (HR, marketing, accounting, sales)

IT roles

Some areas of construction

Most areas of property

Most areas of beauty and wellbeing

Creative/design and media (if you're good)

Theatre and film (if you're good)

Music (if you're good)

Anything related to writing (if you're good)



Armed forces and police force (if you pass certain tests, have a clean record, and are of a certain age range)

Some environmental services



Management (if you have the relevant experience)


Care work

Travel and tourism


Entertainment (if you're good)

Translation (if you are fluent in more than one language)

If you decide to go back to college (adult college), then you can do courses that are relevant to the following:

Animal care (other than vet)

Some areas of construction and certain trades

Some areas of beauty and wellbeing

Some areas of engineering

You can go into the following areas with specific professional qualifications (irrespective of what previous qualifications you have):


Actuary (if you have a math background e.g. A Level Maths)

Law (CILEx)

Most areas of finance

Delivery and transport (licences)

Sports coaching

If you want to get into politics, you won't need a degree (or any qualifications for that matter). If you want to get into law, they recommend you either get an LLB or PGDL (postgrad diploma in law) as opposed to doing the CILEx (more for solicitor roles). PGDLs accept undegrads in any subject, but you won't get funding from Student Finance for it though (costs between £6k to £12k the last time that I have checked).

If you really didn't fancy any of the above, you can always pick a postgrad that accept undergrads in any subject. Having said that, you would be eligible for postgrads that accept undergrads in any quantitiative subject if you did physics e.g. computer science, maths, etc. Likewise, you can sometimes get into some life science postgrads with chemistry e.g. biochem, pharmacology.

Master's degrees that accept any undergrad subjects:

Computer science (some degrees)

Anything in business (except for finance) e.g. marketing, accounting. You cannot do a business management degree if you have done it at undergrad



Some criminology degrees

Nonquantiative economics degrees

Some film degrees


Some media degrees

Some journalism degrees



Social work

Some politics degrees

Some agriculture degrees

Some fine art degrees

If you really wanted to, you can do conversion courses on top of your degree in physics or chemistry. These would include subjects in:

Computer science



The conversion courses would allow you to do postgrads in those disciplines as well as apply for jobs that specifically require those sort of degrees.
If you did physics. you can also do conversion courses for engineering and maths, even though I would doubt you would ever need to.

The only sort of area where you won't likely be eligible to apply work for should you do a chemistry/physics degree is going to be in healthcare/life sciences and architecture. These would require specific degrees, unless they offer some sort of degree apprenticeship for it.
Note: the previous degree won't stop you from applying for a second bachelor's should you wish, but if you do so you won't get any Student Finance for it, unless it's something like an allied health profession or nursing. Not many people are able to do a second bachelor's for good reason.
Original post by Bumikaa
I’ve finished my first set of mocks and got 9s in 7 of my 10 subjects. I take art, geo, computing, phys, chem, bio, maths, english, RS, further maths level 2.
The problem is, is that I was considering a law degree or even PPE and tbh I was open to anything and I thought I would know now I’m in this position. But I don’t.
I flopped english and computing slightly and now I’m really unsure abt law which has been my main subject of interest.
I’ve always been good at sciences and been interested in them but never really medicine; however, I don’t mind doing a single science mainly physics or chemistry or computing.

My main problem is further maths a level, I’m smart in maths but not in the extent to do FSMQ where geniuses r. I’m good but not good but with effort I am. Everyone I’ve met who does further tell me never to do it if u don’t like a maths.
What should I do?
The subjects I’m considering are Maths, Physics, Chem, Eco (not sure but in case PPE or other)
Also if I’m for London unis, then is further maths really favoured a lot for physics degree?
And do you think chemistry/physics is a good degree and what careers/jobs could I go from it?

I would drop the level 2 FM to focus on getting all your other subjects up to a grade 8 or 9.

There's no benefit to level 2 FM [I teach Maths] and you learn things that aren't in A level Maths at all.
Reply 3
Original post by Muttley79
I would drop the level 2 FM to focus on getting all your other subjects up to a grade 8 or 9.

There's no benefit to level 2 FM [I teach Maths] and you learn things that aren't in A level Maths at all.

Sadly in my school if you want to do FM alevel you need to do 2 FM or FSMQ
Original post by Bumikaa
Sadly in my school if you want to do FM alevel you need to do 2 FM or FSMQ

If you don't like Maths, don't take FM to A-Level.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Bumikaa
Sadly in my school if you want to do FM alevel you need to do 2 FM or FSMQ

Why? That's crazy! I teach in a selective school and we don't bother with level 2 FM - our A level results for both Maths and Fmaths match top schools!
Original post by Bumikaa
I’ve finished my first set of mocks and got 9s in 7 of my 10 subjects. I take art, geo, computing, phys, chem, bio, maths, english lang and lit, RS, further maths level 2.
The problem is, is that I was considering a law degree or even PPE and tbh I was open to anything and I thought I would know now I’m in this position. But I don’t.
I flopped english and computing slightly and now I’m really unsure abt law which has been my main subject of interest due to my english scores.
I’ve always been good at sciences and been interested in them but never really medicine; however, I don’t mind doing a single science mainly physics or chemistry or computing. But these days I’m wondering about it being a possibility.
My main problem is further maths a level, I’m smart in maths but not in the extent to do FSMQ where geniuses r. I’m good but not good but with effort I am. Everyone I’ve met who does further tell me never to do it if u don’t like maths.
What should I do?
The subjects I’m considering are Maths, Physics, Chem, Eco (not sure but in case PPE or other)
Also I’m aiming for London unis, then is further maths really favoured a lot for physics degree?
And do you think chemistry/physics is a good degree and what careers/jobs could I go from it and do they actually pay well in the long run?

I currently study further maths, maths, history and economics. In terms of essay subjects (so you can do law), you definitely could . History, English , etc are very different at A level and are hard work for anyone but anyone can succeed. Also law is definitely on the table as you seem like the kind of person who thinks a 7 on a mock is a flop so I’m assuming you do well across the board.

In terms of further maths, yes it’s difficult. The only reason I took it was to strengthen my uni application and I despised maths, thought it was the most boring subject at gcse. Ended up starting to like maths somewhat by doing further maths but now as it gets more difficult it just feels like a grind . It’s definitely highly preferred for physics but take from my experience what you will.

Econ is good, obviously I like it I want to do a degree in it . However I’d say it’s very different to any other A level I know of and not necessary for PPE where most essay subjects will be equally useful but especially history, politics, English lit(and maybe econ but the essays are non traditional). I personally find history and the traditional essay subjects to be incredibly useful prep for long uni essays compared to economics. I would also say if you actually like economics , you’ll like the a level, if you really are super interested by economics, you’ll probably find y12 not easy but repetitive, and if you don’t like economics that much, I wouldn’t recommend the a level.

What I know about physics and chem from most of my friends, who do those 2 , is that they’re significantly harder than gcse and start getting actually scientific. You’d be fine, but I’ve seen the textbooks and wow they’re difficult (I got 9s in sciences at gcse, but my friends science knowledge went way over my head even in October of y12). They’re good subjects though and leave lots of uni courses open.
Reply 7
Original post by Peach_rose34
I currently study further maths, maths, history and economics. In terms of essay subjects (so you can do law), you definitely could . History, English , etc are very different at A level and are hard work for anyone but anyone can succeed. Also law is definitely on the table as you seem like the kind of person who thinks a 7 on a mock is a flop so I’m assuming you do well across the board.
In terms of further maths, yes it’s difficult. The only reason I took it was to strengthen my uni application and I despised maths, thought it was the most boring subject at gcse. Ended up starting to like maths somewhat by doing further maths but now as it gets more difficult it just feels like a grind . It’s definitely highly preferred for physics but take from my experience what you will.
Econ is good, obviously I like it I want to do a degree in it . However I’d say it’s very different to any other A level I know of and not necessary for PPE where most essay subjects will be equally useful but especially history, politics, English lit(and maybe econ but the essays are non traditional). I personally find history and the traditional essay subjects to be incredibly useful prep for long uni essays compared to economics. I would also say if you actually like economics , you’ll like the a level, if you really are super interested by economics, you’ll probably find y12 not easy but repetitive, and if you don’t like economics that much, I wouldn’t recommend the a level.
What I know about physics and chem from most of my friends, who do those 2 , is that they’re significantly harder than gcse and start getting actually scientific. You’d be fine, but I’ve seen the textbooks and wow they’re difficult (I got 9s in sciences at gcse, but my friends science knowledge went way over my head even in October of y12). They’re good subjects though and leave lots of uni courses open.

Thank you so much for your advice!!! It’s been a while since i made that post but i ended up choosing triple science and maths for a levels. I’ll probably regret it but I’m thinking of taking econ or geo instead physics.
AND TRUST ME I DON’T THINK A 7 IS A FLOP! I got a 4 which made me very demotivated and give up the idea of law TT. But it’s fine as I’ve been looking at careers more suited for me now
Original post by Bumikaa
Thank you so much for your advice!!! It’s been a while since i made that post but i ended up choosing triple science and maths for a levels. I’ll probably regret it but I’m thinking of taking econ or geo instead physics.
AND TRUST ME I DON’T THINK A 7 IS A FLOP! I got a 4 which made me very demotivated and give up the idea of law TT. But it’s fine as I’ve been looking at careers more suited for me now

I'm a little curious to know what sort of degree you are thinking of doing with economics or geography instead of physics.

Both are considered academic subjects so I am not knocking them (I did one of them for my A Levels), but you don't exactly have a significantly wider range with either as opposed to physics.

If economics degrees is something you want to do at a top end uni, it's strongly recommended that you consider FM at A Level. If not, I would check the entry requirements of specific economics degrees to be really sure. LSE for example will ask for FM in most of their economics degrees if it's available at your chosen college.
Reply 9
Original post by mindmax2000
I'm a little curious to know what sort of degree you are thinking of doing with economics or geography instead of physics.
Both are considered academic subjects so I am not knocking them (I did one of them for my A Levels), but you don't exactly have a significantly wider range with either as opposed to physics.
If economics degrees is something you want to do at a top end uni, it's strongly recommended that you consider FM at A Level. If not, I would check the entry requirements of specific economics degrees to be really sure. LSE for example will ask for FM in most of their economics degrees if it's available at your chosen college.
I've simply been looking at Econ as it's a subject of interest I've had. I said geography as I've also always loved the subject. Either way those 2 subjects would've been done as AS due to them being my 4th subject.
I had looked at the requirements to taking physics in different London unis and although most unis say they don't require further maths their stats say otherwise.
However, I'm thinking of doing dentistry most likely so I doubt it would matter if I take either Econ or geo so I'd be doing it out of my interest. 😊
(edited 9 months ago)
Original post by Bumikaa
I've simply been looking at Econ as it's a subject of interest I've had. I said geography as I've also always loved the subject. Either way those 2 subjects would've been done as AS due to them being my 4th subject.
I had looked at the requirements to taking physics in different London unis and although most unis say they don't require further maths their stats say otherwise.
However, I'm thinking of doing dentistry most likely so I doubt it would matter if I take either Econ or geo so I'd be doing it out of my interest. 😊

Dentistry only requires biology and chemistry, so I would very much doubt what your third subject is would matter.

Yeah, most top end unis will ask for FM for physics degrees. You're not likely going to be competitive enough without it (unless it's not offered at your college).

Personally, I find economics more akin to the sciences than geography. Economics talk a lot models and you would be debating about it. Geography has components in physical geography and human geography; physical geography being more akin to sciences than human geography which is more essay based.

If you are open to reading about a subject after college or doing extra A Levels, then I would opt to do all 3 sciences and geography, as these would involve practicals and coursework - you don't want to do practicals and coursework as a private candidate (a complete pain to find an exam centre to do them at and they cost a bomb). Maths, FM, and economics are more theoretical subjects, so you don't need to do any coursework or practicals.

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