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How likely will UoB accept me?

So I have applied to do BsC Business Mgmt with year in industry, and the requirements at UOB are AAB for this.

My predicted grades are BBB, but I really loved the uni, have a strong personal statement and some decent references.

What are the chances of me getting in?
Bradford, Birmingham, Bristol, Bath .....?
Reply 2
Original post by McGinger
Bradford, Birmingham, Bristol, Bath .....?

Birmingham, sorry!
You are two grades below the entry requirements and Business Management will be competitive.
Risky. Just make sure that your other 4 choices are more realistic.
Reply 4
Are you doing an EPQ? EPQ brings it down to ABB and most people go up at least a grade in the real exams. Failing that, it will depend on the number and quality of applications they receive for your cohort. Have you checked Uniguide to check what grades they actually made offers for in the last year or so?
Original post by Makro
Are you doing an EPQ? EPQ brings it down to ABB and most people go up at least a grade in the real exams. Failing that, it will depend on the number and quality of applications they receive for your cohort. Have you checked Uniguide to check what grades they actually made offers for in the last year or so?

Uniguide will only tell you what grades they accepted in August - and its totally misleading because you wont have a clue what the offers were, who had a contextual offer, who had Mit Circ, who was an overseas applicant etc - and it will not tell you what predicted grades they had made the offers on originally.
Reply 6
Original post by Makro
Are you doing an EPQ? EPQ brings it down to ABB and most people go up at least a grade in the real exams. Failing that, it will depend on the number and quality of applications they receive for your cohort. Have you checked Uniguide to check what grades they actually made offers for in the last year or so?

No i’m not doing an EPQ, and ok will check uniguide is it useful?
Original post by Avz4XO
No i’m not doing an EPQ, and ok will check uniguide is it useful?

2 grades below for somewhere like Birmingham is unlikely but who knows. Make sure you have other less risky options,
Reply 8
Original post by McGinger
Uniguide will only tell you what grades they accepted in August - and its totally misleading because you wont have a clue what the offers were, who had a contextual offer, who had Mit Circ, who was an overseas applicant etc - and it will not tell you what predicted grades they had made the offers on originally.

Which is exactly the point! to check what grades they accepted in August (Most popular grades achieved!) all the other criteria mentioned are irrelevant. It's to gauge how truly selective they are as some universities inflate their entry requirements and offers.You are looking at the actual offers to decide how truly selective a university is or to differentiate between universities advertising similar entry requirements as chances are even if they make a similar high offer initially, on results day if you slip a grade or 2 you are more likely to get into one than the other.
Leeds uni for instance is showing consistency in that most actual offers on results day were AAA, so I would advise not wasting a uni choice but to look for something more achievable. Sheffield on the other hand advertised the same course as AAB but most seemed to have been admitted with ABB regardless of what offers were. Royal Holloway advertised it as ABB-AAB but actual grades on results day were BBC so i know which one i'd take a punt on.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Avz4XO
So I have applied to do BsC Business Mgmt with year in industry, and the requirements at UOB are AAB for this.

My predicted grades are BBB, but I really loved the uni, have a strong personal statement and some decent references.

What are the chances of me getting in?

Hi! You can sign up for this thing called the A2B scheme:
If you're eligible they'll lower the grade boundaries: 'The Pathways to Birmingham offer is typically a reduction of up to two A level grades (e.g. BBB rather than AAB).'
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Avz4XO
So I have applied to do BsC Business Mgmt with year in industry, and the requirements at UOB are AAB for this.
My predicted grades are BBB, but I really loved the uni, have a strong personal statement and some decent references.
What are the chances of me getting in?
I have friends who are on A* A A rn and are appling for that exact same course this year with offers and lowered entry grades due to getting an A in their EPQ. So...I'd check other unis if I were you. Getting into uni and on a course may be more worth it than just being unrealistic and aiming for the very unlikely.

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