The Student Room Group

Higher chemistry

Hi, I just got my results form my chemistry prelim and I terribly failed, I achieved 23% overall (no award), I studied quite hard prior the prelim for weeks, and still failed. My teacher gave me three options 1: to drop chemistry, 2: do units (c-level pass) no exam, 3: continue to do chemistry. I’ve been struggling to study chemistry from the start, considering I have 3 months left until the exam, I can’t take another subject to replace chemistry, I’m confused whether I should continue chemistry or not, I need to achieve 5A’s aka 5 subjects, for the uni I want to attend (uni of Edinburgh).if anyone has any tips on studying chemistry or any material I need to buy etc… please can I get so advice. Thank you!
Why do you think you got 23%? I would ask for your mock paper back and go through it along with the mark scheme and compare your answers to what is on the scheme. The best case senario is you just need to learn how to answer questions, that is improve your exam technique, seems obvious but its not, lots of people write silly stuff as answers, if you go through your paper along with the marks scheme and you see that you actually understand the chemistry but its just the way you answer then do lots of paper papers to improve your exam technique. If however you go through your paper and you realise that honestly you don't get the concepts then I would talk to your teacher and ask what you need to do to improve. If you are friendly with any of the other students doing chemistry then why not meet up with them and revise together, that way you can help and support each other! Lots of people revise by simply copying out stuff, in my opinion thats not the way to go, revise and do practice questions, watch videos and get a few text books (see your teacher)- don't rely on only one source of information- this might not be the best available. If you decide to buy revision material check out ebay for used stuff- its a lot cheaper.

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