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AS/A Level Chemistry Study Group 2023/2024

Welcome to the AS/A-Level Chemistry Study Group.

Use this thread to chat to other students taking chemistry as you prepare for your AS/A-level exams this summer.

Perhaps, start off by answering a few icebreaker questions:

Which exam board are you with?

Are you in Year 12 or Year 13?

What part(s) of the course are you most confident with?

What part(s) of the course are you struggling with?

Wishing you all the best with AS/A-Level chemistry!
(edited 1 year ago)

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(edited 1 year ago)


Study Mind

Plutonium Science

Maths Made Easy

The Exam Formula

Allery Chemistry

Dr Clay

Eliot Rintoul


Davies A-Level Chemistry

(edited 1 year ago)
hi, i'm reuben !!
doing aqa
just started year 13
confident with bonding and inorganic
struggling with some bits of organic - specifically optical isomerism and skeletal formulae
Original post by reubenn05
hi, i'm reuben !!
doing aqa
just started year 13
confident with bonding and inorganic
struggling with some bits of organic - specifically optical isomerism and skeletal formulae


Brilliant to hear your inorganic chemistry is solid at this stage.

I would very strongly recommend looking at Dr Clay and Eliot Rintoul since you are doing AQA and both have brilliant resources for organic chemistry.

I would also recommend Davies A level chemistry (which I will add to the above resources post) for model solutions to exam papers as you will begin to see how best to go about answering some of the questions you are likely to be asked on optical isomers and skeletal formulae.
Original post by reubenn05
hi, i'm reuben !!
doing aqa
just started year 13
confident with bonding and inorganic
struggling with some bits of organic - specifically optical isomerism and skeletal formulae

Hello Reuben!

Thank you for posting in this thread.

TypicalNerd has already pointed you towards some fantastic resources. I thought I'd mention that I also took the AQA exams. I faced challenges with optical isomerism and skeletal formulae, but through additional practice through the Year 13 topics, I managed to grasp these concepts in preparation for the exams. Please don't stress too much; you'll also certainly master them in due time.

I wish you the utmost success in your A-Level chemistry studies. Feel free to reach out if you require assistance with anything.

I'm doing Edexcel and I am in year 13.

I was wondering if someone can advice me on how to remember the knowledge aspect of chemistry.

I am studying Kinetics- It is interesting to be honest.
Original post by DaydreamingTeen
I'm doing Edexcel and I am in year 13.

I was wondering if someone can advice me on how to remember the knowledge aspect of chemistry.

I am studying Kinetics- It is interesting to be honest.


I also did Edexcel back in the day and distinctly remember a lack of good resources available for them. PMT, Allery Chemistry and Davies A level chemistry are perhaps your best bets.

Any form of active recall (e.g flashcards, blurting, making a mindmap and then checking the end result against written notes) should do it. I believe you should be able to find several quizzes on sporcle for reagents and reaction conditions, which I thought were quite useful.
Original post by DaydreamingTeen
I'm doing Edexcel and I am in year 13.

I was wondering if someone can advice me on how to remember the knowledge aspect of chemistry.

I am studying Kinetics- It is interesting to be honest.

Hello @DaydreamingTeen!

Thank you for posting in this thread.

Have a look at the following thread for revision tips:

I wish you the utmost success in your A-Level chemistry studies. Feel free to reach out if you require assistance with anything.

Hi, I'm Jacintha!!
I'm currently in y13
My exam board is OCR B. I really enjoy it so far (especially wm-it was so interesting). I find OZ a bit confusing but that maybe because we had supply teachers for that topic :smile:

Good luck to everyone!!
Original post by Jacintha
Hi, I'm Jacintha!!
I'm currently in y13
My exam board is OCR B. I really enjoy it so far (especially wm-it was so interesting). I find OZ a bit confusing but that maybe because we had supply teachers for that topic :smile:

Good luck to everyone!!


It is pleasing to hear you are finding A level chemistry enjoyable. If memory serves, OCR B has a much greater emphasis on how chemistry is used in the real world than other courses, which I imagine makes it an especially interesting course.

OCR B doesn’t appear to have many resources at hand. Davies A level chemistry, Physics and Maths Tutor and Allery Chemistry seem to be your best bets.
Original post by TypicalNerd

It is pleasing to hear you are finding A level chemistry enjoyable. If memory serves, OCR B has a much greater emphasis on how chemistry is used in the real world than other courses, which I imagine makes it an especially interesting course.

OCR B doesn’t appear to have many resources at hand. Davies A level chemistry, Physics and Maths Tutor and Allery Chemistry seem to be your best bets.

Thank you!! this is the first time I've ever heard of Davies A level chemistry! Yeah it's a bit of a pain to try and find resources
Original post by Jacintha
Thank you!! this is the first time I've ever heard of Davies A level chemistry! Yeah it's a bit of a pain to try and find resources

Just found another resource for OCR B.

It appears a lot of it was made for the previous spec, but given it has been updated in 2020, I imagine it is at least broadly relevant to the current specification
Original post by TypicalNerd
Just found another resource for OCR B.

It appears a lot of it was made for the previous spec, but given it has been updated in 2020, I imagine it is at least broadly relevant to the current specification

omg Thank you!! this is going to be so helpful!!!

I'm Maria, I do AQA and I'm currently just struggling with mechanisms (it's just naming them that I have a problem with, I can draw them very well) and also exam technique in general but I figure that resolves itself after a lot of past paper practice. I really enjoy practicals since I can always remember them during exams and answer the question based off of them, but I also enjoy the inorganic side especially the Group 2/7 stuff.
Original post by HighlightOfUrDay

I'm Maria, I do AQA and I'm currently just struggling with mechanisms (it's just naming them that I have a problem with, I can draw them very well) and also exam technique in general but I figure that resolves itself after a lot of past paper practice. I really enjoy practicals since I can always remember them during exams and answer the question based off of them, but I also enjoy the inorganic side especially the Group 2/7 stuff.


It’s brilliant to hear you have identified some strong points and how you ought to go about ironing out some of your weak points.

I believe I have already singled out some AQA-specific resources earlier in this thread. If you are looking to work on memorising the names of organic reaction mechanisms, I’d suggest you look on to see if they have anything useful (I’d search first for A level chemistry and then search for organic chemistry mechanisms if that doesn’t work).

Currently in year 13, I do OCR A and organic chemistry happens to be my favourite. The complexity and the big names interests me the most:smile:. We have 3 route maps (aromatic, aliphatic and phenols) for organic reactions and they are really helpful in memorising reaction examples with reagents and conditions. Mechanisms are really cool too but they are easy to mess up :frown:

Physical chemistry can be tough but once you get used to the questions, they start becoming easier. I personally struggled with types of bonds, especially the concepts. Over time, past paper questions gave me clear picture of what was going on and now I am fairly confident with those. I'm more of a maths person so the worded questions used to be an absolute nightmare for me. However, I learnt to be to the point and concise when it comes to long answers. Been getting better at these.

PAGS were alright but not quite the best for me except the calculation stuff. When it comes to explanation of methods, I don't do well. Any suggestions on how I can improve it?

My best resources so far:
1. Physics and Maths tutor (past papers and detailed notes)
2. Allery Chemistry (ppts were easy to follow)

Good luck to everyone doing A-Level Chemistry! You've got this.
Original post by Jez15

Currently in year 13, I do OCR A and organic chemistry happens to be my favourite. The complexity and the big names interests me the most:smile:. We have 3 route maps (aromatic, aliphatic and phenols) for organic reactions and they are really helpful in memorising reaction examples with reagents and conditions. Mechanisms are really cool too but they are easy to mess up :frown:

Physical chemistry can be tough but once you get used to the questions, they start becoming easier. I personally struggled with types of bonds, especially the concepts. Over time, past paper questions gave me clear picture of what was going on and now I am fairly confident with those. I'm more of a maths person so the worded questions used to be an absolute nightmare for me. However, I learnt to be to the point and concise when it comes to long answers. Been getting better at these.

PAGS were alright but not quite the best for me except the calculation stuff. When it comes to explanation of methods, I don't do well. Any suggestions on how I can improve it?

My best resources so far:
1. Physics and Maths tutor (past papers and detailed notes)
2. Allery Chemistry (ppts were easy to follow)

Good luck to everyone doing A-Level Chemistry! You've got this.


It’s brilliant to hear you’ve found ways to iron out your weak points. Keep up the brilliant work.

I am gonna recommend the sheet by chemrevise for the PAGs:

Make sure to add MaChemGuy and Mr Murray-Green chemistry tutorials (or whatever it’s called) to your repertoire of preferred resources.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by TypicalNerd
Welcome to the AS/A-Level Chemistry Study Group.

Use this thread to chat to other students taking chemistry as you prepare for your AS/A-level exams this summer.

Perhaps, start off by answering a few icebreaker questions:

Which exam board are you with?

Are you in Year 12 or Year 13?

What part(s) of the course are you most confident with?

What part(s) of the course are you struggling with?

Wishing you all the best with AS/A-Level chemistry!

hey! i'm iman, i'm currently in year 12 doing the cie specification (intl. a levels). right now, i'm studying organic chem. i'm more or less confident with chem except stoichiometry and organic to a large extent.
Original post by imxnmca
hey! i'm iman, i'm currently in year 12 doing the cie specification (intl. a levels). right now, i'm studying organic chem. i'm more or less confident with chem except stoichiometry and organic to a large extent.


I’m not too well acquainted with the CIE courses, but it appears that since you are currently in year 12, you will be following this new iteration of the specification:

In terms of resources, I would imagine Allery Chemistry and Physics and Maths tutor are your best bets for the time being. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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