Your GCSEs will not be looked into too much. If you've performed well at GCSE and you have good predicted grades, it is a performance indicator, so you will receive news faster provided everything goes well in terms of admissions tests and interviews.
Have some faith man! I also thought I was going to be rejected from Imperial CS, given how competitive the course is and how strong all of the other applicants are in comparison to me. While on the grades front my application was shining (5 A* predictions and 9999999988 at GCSE), I felt as though the rest of my application lacked a certain panache, which the admissions tutors are looking for.
WHEN I applied to my 5, I expected rejections from Cambridge (well, it's Cambridge), Imperial (competitive nature of the course and I know I'm not good enough) and Edinburgh (no one has got in for a STEM course for the past 7 years at my school and CS is flagship). I hoped for offers from Durham and Manchester but even that was in some doubt.
A week after submitting my application, I got a Manchester offer. Two weeks after that, I got an Edinburgh offer, which was celebrated a lot by my school (one other girl got in for Maths from my year group but that was in November). Then on the 10th of November, I got my interview invite and I was so shocked, I fell out of my seat in EPQ in school.
I think that my interview was OK. I got asked a mixture of some general questions and some technical questions (which in hindsight, I could've answered much better than what I did but hindsight is a beautiful thing) which I answered to a reasonable standard though this could have been refined. One of the technical questions I was asked to do, I solved it pretty much instantly without much thought detailing my thinking process efficiently and effectively. The follow-up question after that was a horrible question, which I had the answer to in my working out but I just wasn't saying the answer because I thought there was something wrong with my methodology. I also asked for a prompt for that question because I had reached a point where I was stuck. The question came with many parts and it was the final part I was stuck with. After that atrocious performance, on the train ride home, I knew I was going to be rejected because of how it went. In addition to that, literally everyone in my group had an Oxbridge interview the following week, which made me feel even better about myself and that further cemented my thoughts.
However, on the 18th of December, one week before Christmas, I received my offer from them! I was so shocked at the time. I assumed that the requirements would be higher after that interview but no, I got their minimum entry requirements which I was even more happy about.
Anything is possible so don't rule anything out. Your GCSEs will be OK as long as the rest of your application is good at the very least.