The Student Room Group


Heyyy. Applied to warwick, imperial, ucl and manchester for eee and I am currently waiting on ucl. A bit worried as I submitted my application in mid october and I am also a bit worried about my stats. I’m currently predicted a*a*a but idk if thats good enough (hopefully it is) but yeah ahs anyone gotten replies from ucl yet?
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous #1
Heyyy. Applied to warwick, imperial, ucl and manchester for eee and I am currently waiting on ucl. A bit worried as I submitted my application in mid october and I am also a bit worried about my stats. I’m currently predicted a*a*a but idk if thats good enough (hopefully it is) but yeah ahs anyone gotten replies from ucl yet?

still waiting for ucl too sadly 😬 i applied oct 17th, so after the oxbridge deadline
Reply 2
Any news of EEE offers from UCL? Specifically for home students.
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #1
Heyyy. Applied to warwick, imperial, ucl and manchester for eee and I am currently waiting on ucl. A bit worried as I submitted my application in mid october and I am also a bit worried about my stats. I’m currently predicted a*a*a but idk if thats good enough (hopefully it is) but yeah ahs anyone gotten replies from ucl yet?

I’m waiting too . Same predicted
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
Heyyy. Applied to warwick, imperial, ucl and manchester for eee and I am currently waiting on ucl. A bit worried as I submitted my application in mid october and I am also a bit worried about my stats. I’m currently predicted a*a*a but idk if thats good enough (hopefully it is) but yeah ahs anyone gotten replies from ucl yet?

Still waiting too. You’re not alone.
Reply 5
same prediction, same wait, i think that explains the problem ( though i'm waiting for an offer from mech eng)
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous #3
same prediction, same wait, i think that explains the problem ( though i'm waiting for an offer from mech eng)

Me too- mech eng same predicted what’s ur subjects?
Reply 7
Original post by Anonymous
Me too- mech eng same predicted what’s ur subjects?

maths, computer science and physics, unfortunately our school does not offer FM. I predict that if I could have chosen this subject back then, my situation now would be much better.
Reply 8
Original post by Anonymous #3
maths, computer science and physics, unfortunately our school does not offer FM. I predict that if I could have chosen this subject back then, my situation now would be much better.

I do chem instead of computer science- annoying my school does actually offer FM but I didn’t know it was required till year 13 I learnt half the course to try pick it up over summer but apparently it was too late… it do woulda helped a ton
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous #2
I do chem instead of computer science- annoying my school does actually offer FM but I didn’t know it was required till year 13 I learnt half the course to try pick it up over summer but apparently it was too late… it do woulda helped a ton

If I had the same choice I would have definitely done FM instead of chem from day 1
Original post by Anonymous
If I had the same choice I would have definitely done FM instead of chem from day 1

well- admittedly missing out on FM is a sin and i'm jealous of every school that offers FM LOL
Reply 11
Original post by Anonymous
well- admittedly missing out on FM is a sin and i'm jealous of every school that offers FM LOL

Absolutely. It would be a great help to first year aswell.
Original post by Zekzzzz
Absolutely. It would be a great help to first year aswell.

I still can't believe my school doesn't offer FM, isn't it a very basic and crucial subject? Do you think an achievement like UKMT SMC Gold Medal will offset the disadvantage of not having FM?
Reply 13
Have you guys heard of anyone being given a EEE offer from UCL recently? Starting to worry.
Reply 14
Original post by Anon#29
Have you guys heard of anyone being given a EEE offer from UCL recently? Starting to worry.

Literally haven’t heard a thing and I have barely seen anybody get offers for eee here or on reddit so I don’t think you should worry cuz ur deffs not alone! But I am getting a bit tired of the wait haha. But goodluck to us all still waiting!
Reply 15
Original post by Beast111
Literally haven’t heard a thing and I have barely seen anybody get offers for eee here or on reddit so I don’t think you should worry cuz ur deffs not alone! But I am getting a bit tired of the wait haha. But goodluck to us all still waiting!

Thanks. Really not loving this wait.
Did any of you guys get the offers?
Reply 17
Original post by hfufdub466
Did any of you guys get the offers?

nope - waited 7 months just to get rejected lol! going to imperial tho! :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
I still can't believe my school doesn't offer FM, isn't it a very basic and crucial subject? Do you think an achievement like UKMT SMC Gold Medal will offset the disadvantage of not having FM?

study past papers, go on youtube, read the syllabus and search the topics, be active in learning.
When I was 14 I did mechanics alevels after school (first it was watching khan academy that ot me into calculus then teachers after school)
10 years later Im failing at everything university wise, and I got Cs in Alevels, and the biggest factor is not putting the effort and not being proactive in studying it.
My advice would is to be hungry to learn, and just do it, you have so many resources and its all on your phone (ideally use a desktop though)
My second advice is GET SOME WORK EXPERIENCE, McDonalds is great for 16-18yo, then jump to something better, then jump to something relevant, by the time you graduate you can put on your CV that you have been working for 1-3 year, and you are more likely to find a job

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