The Student Room Group

Imperial CS Interview on the 28th Feb

Any invites?

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Reply 1
Did u get one
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous #2
Did u get one
No I was wondering if they have come out yet
Reply 3
Hopefully we both get in but chances are slimming by the second. When did u apply btw
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous #1
Any invites?
I got one only yesterday so they may still be thinking
Reply 5
Original post by Will45663
I got one only yesterday so they may still be thinking
When did u apply?
Reply 6
Did you get an invite for the 28th Feb? congrats, I doubt I will get one now :frown:
Reply 7
Original post by Anonymous #2
When did u apply?
I applied about 2 weeks before Christmas
The minimum amount of time they can give is 5-6 days so they will rollout more in the next two days. There won't be many handed out today because today was an interview day.
Reply 9
I haven’t got mine yet. Predicted 3 A*s and did decent in the test. Applying for JMC
Define decent. What do you think you got?
What are your A levels?
Reply 12
Original post by vnayak
Define decent. What do you think you got?

Idk, about 7. Not exactly sure but think i got about 7
Reply 13
Original post by vnayak
What are your A levels?

Maths further maths and physics
Reply 14
Will did you get an interview for 28th
Reply 15
Original post by Anonymous #1
Will did you get an interview for 28th
No I got 1st march, does the day mean anything?
Reply 16
Original post by Will45663
No I got 1st march, does the day mean anything?
r u international then? What did u think u got correct in the admissions test out of 10?
Reply 17
Wow, so basically no one here or no one anywhere has got invites for 28th feb, come on. I heard people getting invites for 27th and 1st, but not 28th, which is the main day. 27th and 1st concern online interviews. Plus if home applicants get online interviews, does the 80-90% chance of offer still stand, or less, cos online and physical interviews arent the same experience from my point of view
Original post by SnowyPanda
Wow, so basically no one here or no one anywhere has got invites for 28th feb, come on. I heard people getting invites for 27th and 1st, but not 28th, which is the main day. 27th and 1st concern online interviews. Plus if home applicants get online interviews, does the 80-90% chance of offer still stand, or less, cos online and physical interviews arent the same experience from my point of view
I'm not too sure about the 80-90% offer rate. I've heard different people say different things. When I asked the head of the department, they said it's around 1 in 6. A lecturer said 4 in 9. The students said 80-90% so I'm not too sure who is right.
Original post by Aanu3001
Idk, about 7. Not exactly sure but think i got about 7
How would you rate your personal statement out of 10? also, is 7 worst case or best case or in the middle? I'm just trying to get an idea of what your chances are because unlike Oxbridge, they consider the admissions test and the personal statement equally per-interview.

After interview, Imperial is personal statement and the interview performance.

After interview, Oxbridge is all 3.

I did the test in October and I think worst-case, I scored 8/10.

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