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Does the SQA punish self plagiarism?

I currently take higher Modern Studies and Politics and have started the assignment. Can I do the same topic and research or does it need to be different? Has anybody done this before because I imagine it must have but I can’t find anything in SQA guidelines. My teachers also said it’s ok but he is notorious for not doing thing properly like last year he did the AH Modarn dissertation wrong so I have no idea if it’s ok.
Thank you so much
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Original post by Zesty lemon
I currently take higher Modern Studies and Politics and have started the assignment. Can I do the same topic and research or does it need to be different? Has anybody done this before because I imagine it must have but I can’t find anything in SQA guidelines. My teachers also said it’s ok but he is notorious for not doing thing properly like last year he did the AH Modarn dissertation wrong so I have no idea if it’s ok.
Thank you so much
can’t speak for modern studies as I did the higher while the assignment was taken out, but for Higher English I reused my N5 folio and changed almost nothing about it - literally added less than 100 words on to meet the Higher word count and there was no issue, my teacher said it was allowed and I got a high mark for it

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