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OCR ALevel history coursework

hi, my coursework question is
‘To what extent was the breakdown of the Soviet Union by 1985-91 due to economic reasons?’
i have split it into 3 paragraphs: economic reasons, political reasons and social reasons.
However i’m not confused about writing it.
i have notes on around 4-5 books but i’m not sure how to condense 5 different sets of information into 1. Do you have to cite your knowledge or just sources?
Also, how many historians should you refer to in your essay, do you focus on a few or can you talk about as many as you chose.
Any help would be appreciated:smile:
you need 6 historians plus 6 primary sources ,respectively. eg) 1 historian arguing for economic reasons with 1 primary source which supports AND 1 historian arguing AGAINST economic reasons with 1 primary source which supports. repeat for other factors!
Thankyouu!! that’s very helpful.
What are the citing requirements. What must be cited and not just put in the bibliography?
Original post by isabellaberdkan
Thankyouu!! that’s very helpful.
What are the citing requirements. What must be cited and not just put in the bibliography?

cite everything from the books by historians and the primary sources or anything else you use which wasn't written by you.

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