The Student Room Group

GCSE History Study Group 2023-2024

Welcome to the GCSE History Study Group!

This is where you can chat with other students studying the same subjects as you and support each other as you head towards your exams :grouphugs:

You can post any useful tips and resources that you come across, offer support to others, share your successes, or just have moan when it gets tough! :yes:

Just remember, it’s against the site rules to ask for or offer any copyrighted papers, or to take conversations off-site to do these things. Posts that break these rules will be removed.

A few possible ice breaker questions are:
What exam board are you with?
What do you enjoy most about this subject/ course?
What area do you struggle with in this subject/ course?


Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this! :yeah:
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1

Welcome to the GCSE History Study Group!

This is where you can chat with other students studying the same subjects as you and support each other as you head towards your exams :grouphugs:

You can post any useful tips and resources that you come across, offer support to others, share your successes, or just have moan when it gets tough! :yes:

Just remember, it’s against the site rules to ask for or offer any copyrighted papers, or to take conversations off-site to do these things. Posts that break these rules will be removed.

A few possible ice breaker questions are:
What exam board are you with?
What do you enjoy most about this subject/ course?
What area do you struggle with in this subject/ course?


Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this! :yeah:

Need some help with a question
Original post by Theo 15
Need some help with a question

Hey, what are you working on?
Would anyone be interested in a pdf i made thats a summary of the content for the Crime and Punishment and Whitechapel topic?
Reply 4
Original post by mmgurney
Would anyone be interested in a pdf i made thats a summary of the content for the Crime and Punishment and Whitechapel topic?

please i would! i despise crime and punishment
Question: What to do if I run out of History Past Papers? Do I start making my own plan to questions and strengthening my core knowledge of the topics? Predicted 8 btw
Original post by tt14hawj_24
Question: What to do if I run out of History Past Papers? Do I start making my own plan to questions and strengthening my core knowledge of the topics? Predicted 8 btw

Depends on your exam board but I reckon you can probably expand into using the other exam boards? Alternatively my history teacher has suggested plugging questions into chatgpt or something and getting it to write you questions, but I personally haven't tried that and it seems a bit dodgy to me.
Reply 7
Original post by tt14hawj_24
Question: What to do if I run out of History Past Papers? Do I start making my own plan to questions and strengthening my core knowledge of the topics? Predicted 8 btw

I'm also struggling with this - there are way too little online. What I've been doing is going back to the basic knowledge and making up some of my own questions based on the overall format... What exam board are you? I might be doing the same course and can give you some of my questions - I do breadth and depth studies on china, russia, germany and cold war (Edexcel iGCSE) 🙂
Reply 8
I do Edexcel
Reply 9
The thing I wanna know now at this stage, what should I focus my history revision on? Making flashcards for key causes and consequences for areas I haven't already and do a question write up at a time? Or focus mainly on past papers, or should I leave that for in maybe approx 2 weeks or so?
My friend (she said to tag her in this but she forgot her username lol so I can't) said she's got something to help with focusing your studies in history. I'll tag her in a bit and she can send it to you!
edit because i forgot to reply to you lol @tt14hawj_24
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 11

Welcome to the GCSE History Study Group!

This is where you can chat with other students studying the same subjects as you and support each other as you head towards your exams :grouphugs:

You can post any useful tips and resources that you come across, offer support to others, share your successes, or just have moan when it gets tough! :yes:

Just remember, it’s against the site rules to ask for or offer any copyrighted papers, or to take conversations off-site to do these things. Posts that break these rules will be removed.

A few possible ice breaker questions are:
What exam board are you with?
What do you enjoy most about this subject/ course?
What area do you struggle with in this subject/ course?


Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this! :yeah:
Any tips on OCR history A (explaining modern world) in the power and USA section pls??!
Reply 12
Ah, Ive only just seen this now I'm sorry, although I have a Nazi Germany one now as well.

Crime and Punishment/Whitechapel -
Weimar and Nazi Germany -
Need help with the 'Explain two of the following' type of question in the GCSE Cold War section. I don't know, its quite unlike the other 16 markers you get in the course and I this is definitely my weakest one. Can you still use PEEL to structure an answer to this?
heyy does anyone else do GCSE AQA history, and which topics. could anyone help with elizabethan england?
(edited 10 months ago)
heyy does anyone else do GCSE AQA history, and which topics, i need some help with Elizabethan topic if anyone does it
Original post by tt14hawj_24
Need help with the 'Explain two of the following' type of question in the GCSE Cold War section. I don't know, its quite unlike the other 16 markers you get in the course and I this is definitely my weakest one. Can you still use PEEL to structure an answer to this?

you have to do a 2 PEEEEL paragraphs for each 8 marker. it has to be marked by 2 8markers for some reason
Hi, anyone know good history revision websites to do knowledge quizzes and such? I've got paper 2 (elizabeth I and the Cold War) after half term and I've done every single bbc bitesize quiz about twice over
Original post by abcdefg11233
Hi, anyone know good history revision websites to do knowledge quizzes and such? I've got paper 2 (elizabeth I and the Cold War) after half term and I've done every single bbc bitesize quiz about twice over

Tutor2U and Cleverlili
Reply 19
Original post by mmgurney
Would anyone be interested in a pdf i made thats a summary of the content for the Crime and Punishment and Whitechapel topic?


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