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Home education and A levels

I did my last few years of secondary school home educated and passed all of my exams. I then went onto college but have recently decided that it just isn't for me. I still want to gain some sort of qualification though. I wondered if there were any A-levels that you can do at home that dont require any coursework and are just exam based?
Reply 1
There are many A Levels that don't have coursework, and even some subjects that do have coursework may have an 'alternative to coursework' paper (I was homeschooled for GCSEs and took one of these papers instead of doing English Language coursework). I'm at college now and two of my subjects don't have coursework (Classics and Environmental Science). For the subjects you're interested in taking you should look at them on exam board's websites and look at the specification and what papers you have to take and this will let you know if they require coursework or not :smile:
Hi. I was home educated from the ages 0-17, and then went to sixth form. Seconding what the above commenter has said, OCR classics does not have any coursework, and I found it an interesting A level. It’s good if you’re interested in literature and history, and it’s a good one to have on your CV because it’s a bit posh! AQA normally has coursework (though there are probably some exceptions), so I would look into other exam boards like Cambridge international A levels, OCR, etc. Good luck on your search : )

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