The Student Room Group

UK or Australia for LLB

So I've applied to study LLB in the UK and I have also applied to ANU and Monash in Australia. In UK, I'm waiting to hear from LSE and Bristol. In my opinion, if I get into LSE then that would be the best possible thing for my career and future. However, I am unable to decide between Monash and Bristol. In the likely case that I get into both of them and not LSE, which one do you think would be the better choice? I'm mostly focused on the future job prospects and I would lean toward whichever is more financially promising. For UK, I'm able to find many sources of research and statistical data about employability of universities, starting salaries, etc, however, I can't find any such reliable and useful data for Australian unis. Whatever input you provide me would be greatly helpful. Thanks in advance!

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