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Trinity College Dublin vs University of Nottingham for Msc Business Analytics

I recently got an unconditional offer from University of Nottingham for Msc Business Analytics and in next week I am might also get an offer from Trinity College Dublin for Msc Business Analytics. I wanted to know in terms reputation(from employer's perspective) and future job prospects which one would be the right choice? Also According to QS Subject ranking Trinity is way ahead of Nottingham University for Business Analytics
Original post by visionary_20
I recently got an unconditional offer from University of Nottingham for Msc Business Analytics and in next week I am might also get an offer from Trinity College Dublin for Msc Business Analytics. I wanted to know in terms reputation(from employer's perspective) and future job prospects which one would be the right choice? Also According to QS Subject ranking Trinity is way ahead of Nottingham University for Business Analytics

Really depends on where you want to work. As I mentioned in a previous thread when doing something Business and Finance related you want to look at not just the strength of the programme but also the reputation of the school, the university and its networks in that field. Trinity College Dublin is of course a world-famous university but perhaps suffers a lot in the world rankings because in general its research output lags behind bigger universities like say even Manchester.

Trinity I would assume would be a big target university by many global firms in terms of recruitment. Nottingham does get targeted too bu in the UK there are much bigger target universities.
Reply 2
Original post by visionary_20
I recently got an unconditional offer from University of Nottingham for Msc Business Analytics and in next week I am might also get an offer from Trinity College Dublin for Msc Business Analytics. I wanted to know in terms reputation(from employer's perspective) and future job prospects which one would be the right choice? Also According to QS Subject ranking Trinity is way ahead of Nottingham University for Business Analytics

Choose Nottingham every time. Employers in UK, and the rest of the world don't really know anything about Trinity, and the
Reply 3
A few friends of mine did their Msc or BA in Trinity College Dublin, and never looked back.

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