The Student Room Group

MSc Statistics online/distance learning

Hi. I’m looking at applying for MSc Statistics or similar and have found a few courses that I can do along with my full-time job. I can’t find much information about any of them though to compare them. If anybody has applied for/taken any of these courses then I’d love to hear what you have to say about them. Surely I’m not the only person to be comparing these courses. Please also let me know if there are other courses I’ve not mentioned but should consider.

Leeds: MSc Data Science (Statistics)
Sheffield: MSc Statistics
Nottingham: MSc Statistical Science
Birkbeck: MSc Applied Statistics
Imperial: MSc Machine Learning and Data Science

Apologies if not helpful but University of Essex online do an MSc Data Science, not my area of expertise but I don't know if statistics would be encompassed within the programme.
Reply 2
Original post by NatalieUoEOnline
Apologies if not helpful but University of Essex online do an MSc Data Science, not my area of expertise but I don't know if statistics would be encompassed within the programme.

Thanks for this. I will take a look.
Reply 3
there is this by trinity college dublin too 🙂

and hasselt . Hasselt i believe its really cheap not more that 8k USD i think u might need to check

If you are looking for a flexible degree option where you can take take exams when you choose, study day or night, at your pace and from anywhere, you might want to consider LIBF.

You kind find our course guide here with more detailed information on what we offer -

I hope this information is helpful.



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