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I can't stand up for myself

Growing up I was and still am a quite kid with anxiety. I didn't speak to others unless I was spoken too. I didn't have a lot of friends so I mostly kept to myself. That made me a target for kids to tease me and make fun of. I would always say yes to a lot of things even if it was something I didn't want to do. I put my feelings aside to make other people comfortable. I've seen some people laugh in front of my face, talk about me in front of my face and I've heard people talk about me behind my back. When all that happened I couldn't stand up for myself because I felt that if I did I would just make things worse and those people would hate me more. The thought of doing that was scary because I didn't know if I would have the right words to say and would just end up mumbling. So I've always thought that it would be best to let it slide, I felt like I was being walked over like a rug. It's one of the things that made me dislike myself and has made me have low self-esteem and self-confidence all my life. I'm now in my early 20s and still suffer with this. What should I do?
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Original post by Shinya_Kogami
Growing up I was and still am a quite kid with anxiety. I didn't speak to others unless I was spoken too. I didn't have a lot of friends so I mostly kept to myself. That made me a target for kids to tease me and make fun of. I would always say yes to a lot of things even if it was something I didn't want to do. I put my feelings aside to make other people comfortable. I've seen some people laugh in front of my face, talk about me in front of my face and I've heard people talk about me behind my back. When all that happened I couldn't stand up for myself because I felt that if I did I would just make things worse and those people would hate me more. The thought of doing that was scary because I didn't know if I would have the right words to say and would just end up mumbling. So I've always thought that it would be best to let it slide, I felt like I was being walked over like a rug. It's one of the things that made me dislike myself and has made me have low self-esteem and self-confidence all my life. I'm now in my early 20s and still suffer with this. What should I do?
I have had the same situations as you throughout my whole school life and it is still ongoing. The good news is, it will get better as you get older, and steadily get better at ignoring unkind people and learning that they are the ones with the problem. You have already done brilliantly, getting through school, which is a hell of an achievement!! What you should do is keep going! Plan to do and see things that you want to experience and work towards them. If someone gets in your way, go round them, but above all just keep going. You will eventually find people there who have similar interests to you, and ones that you can start to be friends with and start to feel safe. I don't know if you have any pets, but a cat is good for the soul! And research has proven that they lower blood pressure and anxiety with their consistent love and companionship. If you can't have a cat where you live, you could volunteer at a cat shelter. I hope this helps 🤗🤗🤗
Reply 2
Original post by Knowledge#1
I have had the same situations as you throughout my whole school life and it is still ongoing. The good news is, it will get better as you get older, and steadily get better at ignoring unkind people and learning that they are the ones with the problem. You have already done brilliantly, getting through school, which is a hell of an achievement!! What you should do is keep going! Plan to do and see things that you want to experience and work towards them. If someone gets in your way, go round them, but above all just keep going. You will eventually find people there who have similar interests to you, and ones that you can start to be friends with and start to feel safe. I don't know if you have any pets, but a cat is good for the soul! And research has proven that they lower blood pressure and anxiety with their consistent love and companionship. If you can't have a cat where you live, you could volunteer at a cat shelter. I hope this helps 🤗🤗🤗

Thanks this helps. I do like cats but I have been leaning more towards Guinea pigs so I'm thinking of getting one when I move out my parents house or maybe sooner then that I'm not sure.

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