The Student Room Group

I havent started my revision yet

I only have two months left before gcse i haven't started revising yet. all my grades are between 4-6 What should I do? Is there any chance of me getting good grade Stil? Or should I just give up?
Hi, there is definitely a good chance you improve your grades to get them to a level you want. 4-6 at GCSE are all passing marks, and with some past papers, guidance from teachers, You Tube videos, flashcards for vocab and equations you can definitely get these up with good time before your exam.
Just be consistent in the effort that you put in, and you will be rewarded
Reply 2
Original post by Harukit
I only have two months left before gcse i haven't started revising yet. all my grades are between 4-6 What should I do? Is there any chance of me getting good grade Stil? Or should I just give up?
Depends what you want to do in the future, if your dream job has certain grade requirements you should work to meet them - anything else is a bonus.
Reply 3
Original post by Buteyko
Depends what you want to do in the future, if your dream job has certain grade requirements you should work to meet them - anything else is a bonus.
To be honest, you're still with the majority of students - most people haven't started revising yet.

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