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Are Cambridge specimen papers real past papers

Are Cambridge IGCSE specimen papers real past papers
Original post by feisty-holster
Are Cambridge IGCSE specimen papers real past papers

Exam boards typically create specimen papers to accompany the specification and other teaching materials of a new qualification - i.e. before anyone has ever sat an exam. They do this so that both teachers and students have some idea of what to expect, given that no past papers will be available yet.
Original post by DataVenia
Exam boards typically create specimen papers to accompany the specification and other teaching materials of a new qualification - i.e. before anyone has ever sat an exam. They do this so that both teachers and students have some idea of what to expect, given that no past papers will be available yet.

Thank you for your response
Lest I forget,
Do also help me with this question.
I want to know whether Cambridge IGCSE examiners normally add school assessment grades to the IGCSE exams grades before they published any results.The reason is that they requested for school assessment grades.
Original post by feisty-holster
I want to know whether Cambridge IGCSE examiners normally add school assessment grades to the IGCSE exams grades before they published any results.The reason is that they requested for school assessment grades.

Not as far as I'm aware. I not even sure why a school would generate an "assessment grade", let alone why Cambridge International would request it. The last time that happened, I believe, was in Covid-hit 2020.

Are you perhaps talking about the results from "non exam assessments"? For some Cambridge IGCSE subjects there is a "coursework" or "non exam assessment component". This is true, for example, of Design & Technology, Literature in English and Physical Education. For these components, which are marked by your school, Cambridge International will request a sample of that coursework so they can perform moderation. (This is the process whereby they allow for the fact that one school may be generous markers or another school might be harsh marker; they can establish this by comparing the marks given for those samples, following which they may adjust all marks provided by that school up or down.) Note that even thought they receive a sample of the coursework, they receive marks for all candidates at the school. For these subjects, the marks awarded by the school will form part of the overall mark for the qualification
Original post by DataVenia
Exam boards typically create specimen papers to accompany the specification and other teaching materials of a new qualification - i.e. before anyone has ever sat an exam. They do this so that both teachers and students have some idea of what to expect, given that no past papers will be available yet.

Hi do you know any sites for past papers or even specimen paper for checkpoint or cambridge?
Original post by Sleepisneeded
Hi do you know any sites for past papers or even specimen paper for checkpoint or cambridge?

CIEnotes appears to have some Lower Secondary Checkpoint past papers here. Are those what you were looking for?

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