The Student Room Group

Oxford - Mst History of Art and Visual Culture

Hey! Has anyone heard back yet?
Reply 1
not yet! is your button still there?
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous #2
not yet! is your button still there?

it is!! is yours?
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #2
not yet! is your button still there?

it has just disappeared 😫 scary!
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous #1
it has just disappeared 😫 scary!
omg!! good luck!!!!!! mine is still there rn 😱
Reply 5
Original post by unaze
omg!! good luck!!!!!! mine is still there rn 😱

thank you!! good luck to you too! i didn’t expect mine to disappear. i checked just to confirm it’s still there, but it’s not 😨 now i’m feeling more anxious!
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous #1
thank you!! good luck to you too! i didn’t expect mine to disappear. i checked just to confirm it’s still there, but it’s not 😨 now i’m feeling more anxious!
my button just disappeared omg
Reply 7
Original post by unaze
my button just disappeared omg

i choose to believe it’s a good sign! we’re the chosen ones 🧘🧘
Reply 8
Hi! waiting for results yet, but what is this thing of the buttom and what that it mean?? Thanks!
Reply 9
Original post by mdviveros
Hi! waiting for results yet, but what is this thing of the buttom and what that it mean?? Thanks!

the “upload” button when you go to “supporting documents”! it just means that your application has been considered, and some people get their offer/rejection soon after the button disappears.
Reply 10
just logged into portal & saw i got rejected. best of luck to you though !!!!! :smile:
Reply 11
Original post by unaze
just logged into portal & saw i got rejected. best of luck to you though !!!!! :smile:

so sorry to hear that! i got an offer but it’s hard to believe 😭
Reply 12
Original post by Anonymous #1
the “upload” button when you go to “supporting documents”! it just means that your application has been considered, and some people get their offer/rejection soon after the button disappears.
Thanks! Just got an offer 😊😊😊
Reply 13
Original post by mdviveros
Thanks! Just got an offer 😊😊😊

yeyy!! congrats! me too 😳 now i’m anxious they’re gonna change their mind or sth
I received an offer for the programme three days ago!
Hi guys, I have an offer from Oxford! I also have offers from MA offers from The Courtauld, UCL, and NYU Institute of Fine Arts. Just wondering if you guys also applied to other institutions in the UK/US or beyond, and if you would pick others over Oxford if they give you funding. Are you all set to go to Oxford, or do you want to consider other options?
Have all of you received college offers yet either your preferred or allocated choice?
Reply 17
Original post by Anonymous #4
Have all of you received college offers yet either your preferred or allocated choice?

i haven’t. have you?
Reply 18
Original post by Anonymous #3
Hi guys, I have an offer from Oxford! I also have offers from MA offers from The Courtauld, UCL, and NYU Institute of Fine Arts. Just wondering if you guys also applied to other institutions in the UK/US or beyond, and if you would pick others over Oxford if they give you funding. Are you all set to go to Oxford, or do you want to consider other options?

depends on your research topic. for me, oxford has the best resources, and i like that we have access to the events and lectures of the history department and can be supervised by other humanities faculty. plus, i think the chance of getting funding in oxford is higher, just because they have so many grants. but if ucl or courtauld would be more suitable for your research and/or have modules that you would enjoy more, you should go there. don’t choose oxford just cause it’s oxford; it won’t really matter when you graduate cause both courtauld and ucl are great for the subject (can’t say anything about nyu). congrats on your offer!
Original post by Anonymous #1
i haven’t. have you?

My preferred college didn't accept me, so I'm waiting on being allocated to one. I wonder what colleges (art history) grad students are usually pooled to?

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