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Do my GCSE grades relate to my A levels, Can i study law at cambridge|?

I'm in year 11 and jsut got my mock results back
Business- 9
History- 8
Chemistry- 8
Biology - 8
english lang - 8
Physics - 7
Maths - 7
Spanish - 6
English lit - 6 (but I normally get 7 and 8s)

Im taking English lit + lang combined, History , Business and Biology in A levels, do you think I show the quality to get into cambridge and I have any advice on how to improve my English lit grade.
Reply 1
Get into Cambridge to study what? Depends entirely on that.

Generally though, you should try to improve your English grades to 8s and same thing with maths. Otherwise, your grades are fine (the more 8/9s the better). At this stage though it doesn't make sense to talk about grades for Cambridge, because GCSEs will likely not be a deciding factor - A-Levels, Entry Tests, Interviews, etc. will hold far more weight. But if you wanted a yes or no answer, as long as you improve them slightly, yes your grades should be good enough provided the rest of your application is up to Cambridge standard.
Get into Cambridge to study what? Depends entirely on that.
Generally though, you should try to improve your English grades to 8s and same thing with maths. Otherwise, your grades are fine (the more 8/9s the better). At this stage though it doesn't make sense to talk about grades for Cambridge, because GCSEs will likely not be a deciding factor - A-Levels, Entry Tests, Interviews, etc. will hold far more weight. But if you wanted a yes or no answer, as long as you improve them slightly, yes your grades should be good enough provided the rest of your application is up to Cambridge standard.
Im trying to study law.
Reply 3
Then english 8s (preferably 9s) are a must.

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