so the situation is as follows (bit of a long read)
i got my a levels back this august and didnt get the grades i wanted. i was predicted a*aa and had an offer from Cambridge to study MML but then i ended up with b's lol and missed my offer.
i applied to clearing and now I have a place at SOAS to study law and international relations, which was the course I actually wanted to study in year 12 but then I felt like i wasn't ready enough to apply for it when the time came in year 13 so i ended up going for languages.
now I just really don't know if its worth taking a gap year and retaking two of my a levels and reapplying to international relations/ politics for unis like kings and ucl. i was also considering reapplying to a foundation year at cambridge for hsps or law since its lower entry requirements and i meet the eligibility. i know that my application will be seen as less competitive, but I've seen quite a few people online who retook and got offers from these unis.
obviously soas is a good uni but i feel like this whole time ive been aiming for higher unis is a bit disappointing that it had to turn out this way. and even if i do go to soas im deffo still retaking one of my a levels just because i was supposed to do so much better (i know it is a bit crazy and will be a heavy workload but im willing to still do it)
since im going to retake my a level whether i go to soas or not, do you guys think that i have a fair chance of applying to international relations/ politics to top unis like ucl and kcl if i end up taking a gap year? i really don't know what to do as i really want to go to those unis instead but i just don't know if its super risky or not. if you have any advice please please PLEASE lmk lmao because I'm actually so lost.