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should i retake my a level exams??? pls help

so the situation is as follows (bit of a long read)
i got my a levels back this august and didnt get the grades i wanted. i was predicted a*aa and had an offer from Cambridge to study MML but then i ended up with b's lol and missed my offer.
i applied to clearing and now I have a place at SOAS to study law and international relations, which was the course I actually wanted to study in year 12 but then I felt like i wasn't ready enough to apply for it when the time came in year 13 so i ended up going for languages.
now I just really don't know if its worth taking a gap year and retaking two of my a levels and reapplying to international relations/ politics for unis like kings and ucl. i was also considering reapplying to a foundation year at cambridge for hsps or law since its lower entry requirements and i meet the eligibility. i know that my application will be seen as less competitive, but I've seen quite a few people online who retook and got offers from these unis.
obviously soas is a good uni but i feel like this whole time ive been aiming for higher unis is a bit disappointing that it had to turn out this way. and even if i do go to soas im deffo still retaking one of my a levels just because i was supposed to do so much better (i know it is a bit crazy and will be a heavy workload but im willing to still do it)
since im going to retake my a level whether i go to soas or not, do you guys think that i have a fair chance of applying to international relations/ politics to top unis like ucl and kcl if i end up taking a gap year? i really don't know what to do as i really want to go to those unis instead but i just don't know if its super risky or not. if you have any advice please please PLEASE lmk lmao because I'm actually so lost.
(edited 1 year ago)
Hi @sb0989

Retaking A-Levels is very common for numerous students as it's a chance for them to improve their grades and of course increase their chances of getting into their desired university. Furthermore, it helps them further their studies and develop their understanding of the course or topic they are interested in.

So there is no shame in retaking your A-Levels in order to try to get to your dream university like Cambridge or Kings.

Remember that throughout your gap year, while you are preparing for your A-Levels, you can gain work experience or further your knowledge in International Relations which will help you prepare for university life and imrove your CV or resume which universities may also consider.

Studying a Foundation Year is also a great idea and a good alternative but remember to be honest with yourself. Because if you force yourself to settle for the option you're not excited about, you might not enjoy it.

I hope I managed to help!

Best of luck,
Original post by sb0989
so the situation is as follows (bit of a long read)
i got my a levels back this august and didnt get the grades i wanted. i was predicted a*aa and had an offer from Cambridge to study MML but then i ended up with b's lol and missed my offer.
i applied to clearing and now I have a place at SOAS to study law and international relations, which was the course I actually wanted to study in year 12 but then I felt like i wasn't ready enough to apply for it when the time came in year 13 so i ended up going for languages.
now I just really don't know if its worth taking a gap year and retaking two of my a levels and reapplying to international relations/ politics for unis like kings and ucl. i was also considering reapplying to a foundation year at cambridge for hsps or law since its lower entry requirements and i meet the eligibility. i know that my application will be seen as less competitive, but I've seen quite a few people online who retook and got offers from these unis.
obviously soas is a good uni but i feel like this whole time ive been aiming for higher unis is a bit disappointing that it had to turn out this way. and even if i do go to soas im deffo still retaking one of my a levels just because i was supposed to do so much better (i know it is a bit crazy and will be a heavy workload but im willing to still do it)
since im going to retake my a level whether i go to soas or not, do you guys think that i have a fair chance of applying to international relations/ politics to top unis like ucl and kcl if i end up taking a gap year? i really don't know what to do as i really want to go to those unis instead but i just don't know if its super risky or not. if you have any advice please please PLEASE lmk lmao because I'm actually so lost.

Hi there :smile:

Before you decide what to do next, you need to decide what course you actually want to do - you mention a whopping 6 different courses on your post :eek3: so you need to give some thought as to what you actually want to do. It also seems like you want to chase Cambridge, even if it comes at the expense of doing what you actually want to do, since you mention you might apply there for one of two courses because they have a foundation year with lower entry requirements. That is a bad idea, remember that you choose the degree first, then the university, not the other way around. So choose what you want to study based on what you want, not because you think it'll be easier to get into Cambridge that way.

If you do decide that law and international relations is for you, then decide if SOAS is a place you like and could thrive in. If you decide that's the case, then it makes very little sense to take a gap year. I'd advise against letting yourself be swayed by rankings and prestige when deciding if SOAS is right for you - those factors won't impact your student experience one bit and at the end of your degree, what matters is that you have your degree, not where you studied.

And if you do decide to go to SOAS, don't retake your A-Levels. I understand that it might be a matter of pride, but it will be worse than a waste of your time: no one will care about your A Levels after university, and the fact that you're studying for them will be a distraction to your degree studies, so please don't do that!
Original post by sb0989
so the situation is as follows (bit of a long read)
i got my a levels back this august and didnt get the grades i wanted. i was predicted a*aa and had an offer from Cambridge to study MML but then i ended up with b's lol and missed my offer.
i applied to clearing and now I have a place at SOAS to study law and international relations, which was the course I actually wanted to study in year 12 but then I felt like i wasn't ready enough to apply for it when the time came in year 13 so i ended up going for languages.
now I just really don't know if its worth taking a gap year and retaking two of my a levels and reapplying to international relations/ politics for unis like kings and ucl. i was also considering reapplying to a foundation year at cambridge for hsps or law since its lower entry requirements and i meet the eligibility. i know that my application will be seen as less competitive, but I've seen quite a few people online who retook and got offers from these unis.
obviously soas is a good uni but i feel like this whole time ive been aiming for higher unis is a bit disappointing that it had to turn out this way. and even if i do go to soas im deffo still retaking one of my a levels just because i was supposed to do so much better (i know it is a bit crazy and will be a heavy workload but im willing to still do it)
since im going to retake my a level whether i go to soas or not, do you guys think that i have a fair chance of applying to international relations/ politics to top unis like ucl and kcl if i end up taking a gap year? i really don't know what to do as i really want to go to those unis instead but i just don't know if its super risky or not. if you have any advice please please PLEASE lmk lmao because I'm actually so lost.

hey im in a similar situation as you and thought I’d get in touch. I missed my offer for HSPS by two grades and though many have advised me to just go to my insurance uni, which i probably will do, I still wanted to retake my a levels because my ego is hurt after all of this and i dont know what to do myself. Also i have two friends who missed their oxbridge offers and got into soas too so you’re definitely not alone.
You have an itch that needs to be scratched. You will always have a nagging doubt in the back of your mind if you settle for SOAS. Retake and try to get into the unis you are interested in. You got into SOAS this year so you can get in next year.
Reply 5
Original post by emi2021
hey im in a similar situation as you and thought I’d get in touch. I missed my offer for HSPS by two grades and though many have advised me to just go to my insurance uni, which i probably will do, I still wanted to retake my a levels because my ego is hurt after all of this and i dont know what to do myself. Also i have two friends who missed their oxbridge offers and got into soas too so you’re definitely not alone.

hey! just curious, what did you end up doing? Are you taking a gap year to retake or have you decided to go to your insurance?
Reply 6
Original post by mike23mike
You have an itch that needs to be scratched. You will always have a nagging doubt in the back of your mind if you settle for SOAS. Retake and try to get into the unis you are interested in. You got into SOAS this year so you can get in next year.

agreed completely. don't settle for less

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