So, I’m kinda at a loss and feel utterly stuck.
After having such an awful experience of education in my final year of undergraduate study I swore that I was not going to go back into education ever again…but here I am doing a postgraduate so that I can practice in my dream job. Unfortunately I am a perfectionist with high functioning autism, chronic fatigue syndrome. anxiety and also currently battling an eating disorder.
I left my very comfortable part time post which I was becoming a bit bored in after two years working for my local hospital (I which was just 5 minutes away from where I lived). Now, my new job is a 4 hour round trip commute 5 days a week - I have tried living there but I really need the support of my parents and was very isolated (literally just ruminating every evening in my bed or doing hours upon hours of study/uni work with no respite each night).
I am on the course with someone else but they just feed my anxiety with their own and say unhelpful things like never being able to go back to their own job. I feel utterly stuck because I’m so very unhappy but I don’t want the embarrassment or shame of having failed at this qualification and having to return to my own job.
My new employer doesn’t communicate much with me either and have had no real reason contact with management since starting this at the start of this year.
Any advice appreciated. Thanks.