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Cambridge MML college choice

Hi, I was thinking of taking German (post A-level) and Russian (ab initio) and was wondering how important it is that the college I apply for has the staff in the language, especially wrt the ab initio language. I had assumed that because, when I asked at the Open Day they said that subjects run on a faculty rather than college basis, it doesn't matter too much whether the college you apply for has the right language tutors. However, I've heard people say that it leads to extra questions in the interview about college choice if the college doesn't have fellows or tutors in one of the languages.
I was wondering whether or not it has that much of a bearing if, particularly for ab initio languages, the college itself doesn't have all the staff for your degree. Thanks!
Reply 1
Original post by teratoma
Hi, I was thinking of taking German (post A-level) and Russian (ab initio) and was wondering how important it is that the college I apply for has the staff in the language, especially wrt the ab initio language. I had assumed that because, when I asked at the Open Day they said that subjects run on a faculty rather than college basis, it doesn't matter too much whether the college you apply for has the right language tutors. However, I've heard people say that it leads to extra questions in the interview about college choice if the college doesn't have fellows or tutors in one of the languages.
I was wondering whether or not it has that much of a bearing if, particularly for ab initio languages, the college itself doesn't have all the staff for your degree. Thanks!

Hey, I'm currently a second year MMLer at Cambirdge and I studied ab initio Spanish. I'd say it really doesn't matter from my experience. I go to a college where they had no staff for ab initio Spanish but it didn't matter because all my teaching for Spanish was in-faculty anyway regardless of what college people were at. I think the only real difference between colleges that you'll find regarding teaching is some of the colleges that are higher up the Tompkins Table like Caius or Christ will give their students extra classes like translation classes in college.
Reply 2
Original post by f15es1
Hey, I'm currently a second year MMLer at Cambirdge and I studied ab initio Spanish. I'd say it really doesn't matter from my experience. I go to a college where they had no staff for ab initio Spanish but it didn't matter because all my teaching for Spanish was in-faculty anyway regardless of what college people were at. I think the only real difference between colleges that you'll find regarding teaching is some of the colleges that are higher up the Tompkins Table like Caius or Christ will give their students extra classes like translation classes in college.

Thank you!! Does your main language have in-college staff/who did your main language interview?
Reply 3
Original post by teratoma
Thank you!! Does your main language have in-college staff/who did your main language interview?

So my French interview was done by the MML dos at my college who is a professor of French. My interview was a bit weird that there was only one interviewer. Then for Spanish ab initio I was interviewed by another MML professor at my college who did German and then a Spanish professor from another college. It’s common to get interviewed by professors from other colleges if your own college doesn’t have the staff. They never asked me once why I’d chosen my college. Hope that’s helpful :smile:

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