I'm a first-year physio student at St Georges and I just had my first real OSCE- pretty sure I failed
The anatomy questions I definitely got 0 marks because I reviewed them later, communication I fumbled. I accidentally put the practice patient in an uncomfortable physical position and only realised right at the end when I adjusted the bed. I don't know if that would have fixed the situation and I wouldn't have lost the marks.I asked for consent but I forgot to introduce myself or explain what I was doing.
Out of the 7 questions, there's only 1 question I think I did ok on.
I was the only one who didn't sit the practice OSCEs because of being hospitalised, so this was my first experience ever, and I don't think it could have gotten worse
I'm pretty sure I failed, I don't know where I'd get the 40% marks from. Results are going to be submitted in 4 weeks and I'm only going to be stressing until then and thinking about resists in August
I've never had to resit an exam before. I feel mentally at my worst, and physically at a low too. I just can't get this horrible experience out of my mind.
Any advice of what I can do from now