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How did i pass if only got 35/60 in maths exam?

I did a functional skills maths exam and passed, I only got 35/60.
36/60 is a pass. I got 58.3%, which is equivalent to 34.9 marks. Did they make a mistake or did they just let me have it because they don't want me to appeal?
Original post by momog
I did a functional skills maths exam and passed, I only got 35/60.
36/60 is a pass. I got 58.3%, which is equivalent to 34.9 marks. Did they make a mistake or did they just let me have it because they don't want me to appeal?

When you say you did "a functional skills maths exam", do you have any further information as to which exam you took?

Who was the exam board? AQA? NCFE? Someone else?

Functional Skills Level 1? Functional Skills Level 2?

What leads to the opinion that "36/60 is a pass"? Has your school/college told you that? Or have you pulled that from the exam board's web site? Or elsewhere?
Reply 2
Original post by DataVenia
When you say you did "a functional skills maths exam", do you have any further information as to which exam you took?
Who was the exam board? AQA? NCFE? Someone else?
Functional Skills Level 1? Functional Skills Level 2?
What leads to the opinion that "36/60 is a pass"? Has your school/college told you that? Or have you pulled that from the exam board's web site? Or elsewhere?

It was a level 2 functional skills exam; the exam board was open awards. Their pass mark is listed as 36/60, and I got 58.2%, which is roughly 34– 35 marks. I should add that other exam boards such as city and guilds have a pass mark at 32 or 33/60 for functional skills level 2.

Did they make an error, or do they mark it in a nuanced and multifaceted way. They look at the working out and can see that the examinee knows what they're doing, even if the end answer is wrong. I make some clumsy typo mistakes, and misread some of the questions, and i think the person who marked it must've noticed they were typos, and so gave me the benefit of doubt.
Original post by momog
It was a level 2 functional skills exam; the exam board was open awards. Their pass mark is listed as 36/60, and I got 58.2%, which is roughly 34– 35 marks. I should add that other exam boards such as city and guilds have a pass mark at 32 or 33/60 for functional skills level 2.

Did they make an error, or do they mark it in a nuanced and multifaceted way. They look at the working out and can see that the examinee knows what they're doing, even if the end answer is wrong. I make some clumsy typo mistakes, and misread some of the questions, and i think the person who marked it must've noticed they were typos, and so gave me the benefit of doubt.

Thank you for clarifying. I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm going to take an educated guess based upon the qualification guide published by Open Awards here.

This qualification is available at least every six weeks ("Paper-based assessments are available on two set days every six (6) weeks"), and providers can offer it on-line more frequently than that. Not unreasonablly, Open Awards regularly produce new versions of the assessment. This is to prevent a student sitting the assessment, and telling his friend what questions were asked - thus giving the friend an advantage when they sit the assessment. It's not clear whether there's a new version every six weeks, or whether they issue new versions less frequently than that.

However, what is clear from the qualification guide is that each version can have a slightly different pass mark, depending on whether that version is slightly easier or slightly harder than usual. Specifically, they say:

"For newly released assessment versions, the maximum time a provider/ learner will wait
for results to be issued is 32 working days. This additional time is to allow for the awarding process where specific pass marks are set for each assessment version."

So my guess is that the pass mark you've quoted ("Their pass mark is listed as 36/60") doesn't apply to the specific version you sat. From where did you source that pass mark? Do you have a link to a web page?
Reply 4
Hi, who did you end up booking with? I am also wanting to book my maths exam.

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