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Civil Service Fast Stream or PwC Accounting?

I have recieved offers for a few jobs, most in accounting but one for Property with the Civil Service Fast Stream. I have narrowed down to PwC Audit and the civil service but really don't know what to take. My heart is saying Civil Service but my head and long term goals are shouting accountancy. I think long term, the money and prospects will be better with an accountancy qualification with PwC but the civil service will be more fulfilling. I'm worried that I may be stuck on a low pay check in the civil service? and is it difficult to transition to another job after? what do civil service fast streamers even do once the fast stream ends? really need some advice and information!!!
Reply 1
Original post by tizzyjh
I have recieved offers for a few jobs, most in accounting but one for Property with the Civil Service Fast Stream. I have narrowed down to PwC Audit and the civil service but really don't know what to take. My heart is saying Civil Service but my head and long term goals are shouting accountancy. I think long term, the money and prospects will be better with an accountancy qualification with PwC but the civil service will be more fulfilling. I'm worried that I may be stuck on a low pay check in the civil service? and is it difficult to transition to another job after? what do civil service fast streamers even do once the fast stream ends? really need some advice and information!!!

Hey there,

Congrats on receiving the job offers. Do you have a general idea of the type of role that you'd want to do longer term?

In the early stages of your career, you will find that both Civil Service and PwC renumeration packages to be broadly comparable on the face of it. When factoring in pension contributions, working culture and actual work/life balance, you may find that the Civil Service works out better in the short term.

Longer term however that's where things become more uncertain. Completing the property fast stream will mean in 3/4 years you're an experienced property professional. Every organisation needs property of course but your options to move into alternative areas should you get bored may not be as numerous, the qualification (and lack thereof) and what you can/cannot do with it should be a critical consideration IMHO.

Upon graduation on the Fast Stream most individuals normally go for promotion within the Civil Service. This is normally referred to as Grade 7 with a salary of £50,000 - £60,000 before tax (add approx £3,000 to work out the London weighting), this varies by actual department. I'm not sure what happens upon completing the programme in PwC.

Longer term the PwC option sounds like a better bet if you have more overt financial motivations medium/longer term. While at the start this will be fairly similar to the Civil Service, as you become more senior the gap between Public and Private sector pay widens significantly. A Finance Director in the Civil Service might be on £80,000 (SCS1) v £150,000+ in the Private Sector. Partners in PwC for example are probably on a lot more and do infact earn multiples when compared to even the most senior and critical senior public leaders.

Furthermore, given the length of peoples' careers generally, starting at PwC does not preclude you from joining the Civil Service eventually. It is not unusual for those with consultancy or Big 4 experience to join Civil Service and vice versa, in addition - I've known colleagues who started their careers in audit, decided that audit/finance is not for them and used their working contacts to move into property or manufacturing either in private sector organisations or as part of the Civil Service.

Hope that helps, if you have more specific questions I'm happy to help.

I completed an accountancy qualification through the Civil Service fast stream and graduated from it last year. So can provide more detail if necessary.
Reply 2
Original post by CS_Insights
Hey there,
Congrats on receiving the job offers. Do you have a general idea of the type of role that you'd want to do longer term?
In the early stages of your career, you will find that both Civil Service and PwC renumeration packages to be broadly comparable on the face of it. When factoring in pension contributions, working culture and actual work/life balance, you may find that the Civil Service works out better in the short term.
Longer term however that's where things become more uncertain. Completing the property fast stream will mean in 3/4 years you're an experienced property professional. Every organisation needs property of course but your options to move into alternative areas should you get bored may not be as numerous, the qualification (and lack thereof) and what you can/cannot do with it should be a critical consideration IMHO.
Upon graduation on the Fast Stream most individuals normally go for promotion within the Civil Service. This is normally referred to as Grade 7 with a salary of £50,000 - £60,000 before tax (add approx £3,000 to work out the London weighting), this varies by actual department. I'm not sure what happens upon completing the programme in PwC.
Longer term the PwC option sounds like a better bet if you have more overt financial motivations medium/longer term. While at the start this will be fairly similar to the Civil Service, as you become more senior the gap between Public and Private sector pay widens significantly. A Finance Director in the Civil Service might be on £80,000 (SCS1) v £150,000+ in the Private Sector. Partners in PwC for example are probably on a lot more and do infact earn multiples when compared to even the most senior and critical senior public leaders.
Furthermore, given the length of peoples' careers generally, starting at PwC does not preclude you from joining the Civil Service eventually. It is not unusual for those with consultancy or Big 4 experience to join Civil Service and vice versa, in addition - I've known colleagues who started their careers in audit, decided that audit/finance is not for them and used their working contacts to move into property or manufacturing either in private sector organisations or as part of the Civil Service.
Hope that helps, if you have more specific questions I'm happy to help.
I completed an accountancy qualification through the Civil Service fast stream and graduated from it last year. So can provide more detail if necessary.

Hi! Thanks so much for your response! What do people tend to do once they finish the fast stream? Do they stay on within the civil service or move into another field? Also, would you personally suggest working in the civil service? I found the application process tobe quite impersonal when compared to PwC and the other big four. Yeah, let me know what you think basically?
Reply 3
Original post by tizzyjh
Hi! Thanks so much for your response! What do people tend to do once they finish the fast stream? Do they stay on within the civil service or move into another field? Also, would you personally suggest working in the civil service? I found the application process tobe quite impersonal when compared to PwC and the other big four. Yeah, let me know what you think basically?

Just out of interest, which scheme did you end up choosing?
Reply 4
Original post by FJFDurham
Just out of interest, which scheme did you end up choosing?

Hi, I haven't chosen yet... are you in a similar situation?

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