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Oxford Chemistry Students and Applicants

I know it's almost impossible to prepare, but I'm just interested in what questions interviewers at oxford ask for those who want to study undergraduate chemistry (or physics/biology).

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I know it's almost impossible to prepare, but I'm just interested in what questions interviewers at oxford ask for those who want to study undergraduate chemistry (or physics/biology).

Visualisation of 3D molecular models when given a molecular formula.
In addition, rotation, and symmetry of 3D models are all things that have come up in past interviews.
ie: nothing too hard.
Reply 2
Would be there be much on organic reactions and mechanisms? Cause I'm quite weak on that.
Reply 3
Thanks for all the replies guys. I feel somewhat more confident. :smile:
Reply 4
Just wondering if there were any worcester chemists, since thats where i intend to apply. I didn't manage to see any chemists at all at the open day yesterday which was odd.
Reply 5
It's official: My interviewer is Peter McFadden, a Jesus engineer.
Reply 6
I am informed that there is a passage they will give me to read. Can you give me some examples what kind of passage it will be - related to subject obviously?

So maybe about a newly synthesised molecule?
Reply 7
Do you guys know how long an international interview usually last?

30 minutes? 1 hour?
Reply 8
Do you guys know how long an international interview usually last?

30 minutes? 1 hour?

30 minutes for you to read the passage and make any notes, etc if you like. 30 minutes for the actual interview.

Where are you from?
Reply 9
do they only give a passage to read for international students, or is it for home ones too? just curious?
Reply 10
I can confirm that Internatinal students get something to read prior to the interview as well.
Reply 11
Now there's "Describe this bark." for biological sciences.

What would be an equivalent question for chemistry?

Vague question like these please.
Reply 12
It's official: My interviewer is Peter McFadden, a Jesus engineer.

which college d you apply to?
Reply 13
which college d you apply to?

St. Catz. Why?
Reply 14
Yes it is.

My chemistry teacher got really narked with us cos we didn't figure it out! I geuss thats what separates us from the oxbridge folk.
Reply 15
St. Catz. Why?

wondering are you havnig interview in oversea
Reply 16
wondering are you havnig interview in oversea

Reply 17
How hard is it to get in for chemistry? I know the entry statistics are pretty favourable but does that actually mean their standards are lower? what are the chances for someone whose not a genius?
thanks :-)
Reply 18
At Merton there were 18 applicants. Competition is tough. You must be quite able at three disciplines: organic, inorganic and physical chemistry (including a little mathematics).
As long as you think fast and can cope with questions you have not met before you should be fine.

6 got offers.
Reply 19
How hard is it to get in for chemistry? I know the entry statistics are pretty favourable but does that actually mean their standards are lower? what are the chances for someone whose not a genius?
thanks :-)

It's more reachable than you think. You don't have to be a genius - most of those who get in don't get Nobel prizes.

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