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Reply 140
She's done it now, and in her positive style "It was ok" (which probably means shes passed with merit or something).

Luvya hun

You've announced it here as well!! No stopping you!

I will not have got a merit esp when I've got 0 for aural!!

I'll be happy with 100 as long as I pass!
Reply 141
You've announced it here as well!! No stopping you!

Because Im so proud of you :rolleyes:

I got my revenge in the aural tests though. Am I the saddest person ever who finds them fun?

Erm... yes.
Reply 142
You like aural?!!?!!?

Are you mad!!?!?!
Reply 143
Yeah we're all proud of you Nat :smile:
Hope you did well sherunsaway. For my Grade 7, I had to ask what type of scale they wanted, I got asked a diminished scale (NOT diminished 7th), and there are 2 types. I was like "Hello, I am the examinee, you should be telling me what to play!"
Reply 144
Good luck to everyone for their results!

I got my certificate yesterday, i think Guildhalls are nicer than Associated Board's, they have pretty gold writing! :p:
Reply 145
They are!! My certificate for Grade 7 though came about 2 1/2 months after I had taken the exam!!
Reply 146
That is a bit late!!
Reply 147
I passed! Yey! :biggrin: I really thought i had failed especially because i couldn't remember any of my scales!

I just thought i'd share some of my happiness with everyone! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

hey congrats on ur success .....
Reply 148
Reply 149
They are!! My certificate for Grade 7 though came about 2 1/2 months after I had taken the exam!!

It took a long time to get to you! :eek:
Reply 150
It did, I did Guildhall Grade 6 and that came quickly. So I have no idea what happened!! When I got it, I had forgotten about it.
Arrggghh!! Grade 8 clarinet is tomorrow morning! I'm so worried- can't do aurals and the sight reading appears to be pretty hellish. And I'm not fantastic at the pieces either :-S *stress* Oh and those who were discussing bach rescue remedy- I picked up my beta blockers from the doctors yesterday (propranolol) and judging by their effects on my grade 6 and 7, even if I do terribly I just won't care! They're brilliant :biggrin: (guess I should go and practise for a bit.........) xxxx
Reply 152
Arrggghh!! Grade 8 clarinet is tomorrow morning! I'm so worried- can't do aurals and the sight reading appears to be pretty hellish. And I'm not fantastic at the pieces either :-S *stress* Oh and those who were discussing bach rescue remedy- I picked up my beta blockers from the doctors yesterday (propranolol) and judging by their effects on my grade 6 and 7, even if I do terribly I just won't care! They're brilliant :biggrin: (guess I should go and practise for a bit.........) xxxx

You take beta blockers for your exams?! :eek: Mind you, my driving instructor suggested i took them before my test (i didn't, perhaps thats why i failed :rolleyes: ). I'm hopeless at scales (I got 7/32 :eek: ) and aural tests and sight reading, but i actually ended up doing ok in my sight reading! Good luck anyway, post how it goes here!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I've almost definitely failed. I had a horrible examiner! Just before the exam my low E (and B) key went really loose and I couldn't find anyway of sorting it out (no screws were loose or anything) so I told him at the beginning to excuse any clicking but I couldn't help it because my key appeared to have something wrong with it. I played my accompanied pieces OK- I made a few slips and was a bit distracted by the clicking- but then when it came to my study the second note is a B and it just didn't come out so I tried to start a few times and the note just would not sound so I explained that it was broken and I couldn't do it and he said "nothing I can do- just play it anyway and pretend the notes are coming out" which wasn't going to work very well as there were lots of Bs in the study! So I tried but it was very hard and didn't sound very good and I didn't put much expression in anyway cos I was just trying not to cry. He then gave me some sight-reading with loads of bottom Es in which went pretty badly seeing as they didn't come out. Scales went ok, although the ones with Bs in didn't sound too good and then he nearly laughed at me in the aurals because I obviously got the cadence chords wrong- but he just settled with a sarcastic "okay". I really don't know what to do about it because I can't have passed by playing my study/sight-reading how I did and it was because of my broken clarinet. I'm tempted to complain to ABRSM about the examiner too because he really wasn't pleasant when I was obviously upset about my clarinet being broken- which was beyond my control. :frown: I would have been hysterical if I hadn't taken beta blockers though! I only take them for clarinet exams- nothing else- because of the breathing. xxx
Reply 154
I've almost definitely failed. I had a horrible examiner! Just before the exam my low E (and B) key went really loose and I couldn't find anyway of sorting it out (no screws were loose or anything) so I told him at the beginning to excuse any clicking but I couldn't help it because my key appeared to have something wrong with it. I played my accompanied pieces OK- I made a few slips and was a bit distracted by the clicking- but then when it came to my study the second note is a B and it just didn't come out so I tried to start a few times and the note just would not sound so I explained that it was broken and I couldn't do it and he said "nothing I can do- just play it anyway and pretend the notes are coming out" which wasn't going to work very well as there were lots of Bs in the study! So I tried but it was very hard and didn't sound very good and I didn't put much expression in anyway cos I was just trying not to cry. He then gave me some sight-reading with loads of bottom Es in which went pretty badly seeing as they didn't come out. Scales went ok, although the ones with Bs in didn't sound too good and then he nearly laughed at me in the aurals because I obviously got the cadence chords wrong- but he just settled with a sarcastic "okay". I really don't know what to do about it because I can't have passed by playing my study/sight-reading how I did and it was because of my broken clarinet. I'm tempted to complain to ABRSM about the examiner too because he really wasn't pleasant when I was obviously upset about my clarinet being broken- which was beyond my control. :frown: I would have been hysterical if I hadn't taken beta blockers though! I only take them for clarinet exams- nothing else- because of the breathing. xxx


I'm sure it wasn't that bad! I thought mine had gone really badly, the examiner was really picking on me for not knowing my scales :rolleyes: and i really thought i had failed, but i didn't!

Good luck anyway! :biggrin:
I know the feeling, well done :clap:
Reply 156
Aww sorry it didn't go as well as you would have liked. Fingers crossedfor your results.