Recently, I submitted my firm of Warwick, and insurance of Nottingham for Civil Engineering.
Nottingham have sent me an information pack saying that if I get AAA and have Nottingham as firm then I am entitled to money. This has put me off greatly, considering I am aiming for A*A*Aa, and would be the exception rather than the norm. Being surrounded by ABB/AAB students, whilst clever, wouldn't push me as hard as more intellectual students would.
So, I was wondering what the average Warwick students grades are, as I'd like to be surrounded by people who are just as, preferably more, clever than I am. This is so I have plenty of healthy competition, and people above me in the class to strive to be as good as.
Before people say grades aren't everything, I admit they aren't everything, but they are a good indicator of how intelligent you are.