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Warwick 2020 Applicants

Who here wants to study at Warwick in the next cohort? Would love to hear from prospective applicants and successful ones this year!

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Reply 1
I’m planning to apply for 2020
What course?

Original post by Sam.T.
I’m planning to apply for 2020
Reply 3
Original post by ethancruise15
What course?

Economics , what about you
Same! I take Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics A level with Further Maths AS but have decided the thing I'm most interested in is econ xD hbu?
Original post by Sam.T.
Economics , what about you
Looking to apply for Maths and Physics joint course, anyone else?
Reply 6
Original post by ethancruise15
Same! I take Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics A level with Further Maths AS but have decided the thing I'm most interested in is econ xD hbu?

I take Maths, Economics & Geography, & yeah really enjoy econ
Original post by JDudd161
Looking to apply for Maths and Physics joint course, anyone else?

I am as well
Original post by STEM.lover
I am as well

Nice, what A-Levels are you doing?
Original post by JDudd161
Nice, what A-Levels are you doing?

Maths, physics, chemistry and further maths. How about you?
Original post by STEM.lover
Maths, physics, chemistry and further maths. How about you?

Exactly the same, but considering dropping chemistry next year as I simply have no interest or patience for it, however I’m not sure that’s the best idea; I have emailed Warwick regarding it and they said it’s not a problem with the double maths and physics only being used for the offer, but I think it’ll make my application less competitive. What other unis are you considering?
Original post by JDudd161
Exactly the same, but considering dropping chemistry next year as I simply have no interest or patience for it, however I’m not sure that’s the best idea; I have emailed Warwick regarding it and they said it’s not a problem with the double maths and physics only being used for the offer, but I think it’ll make my application less competitive. What other unis are you considering?

I’ve been thinking about dropping chemistry as well as I might do STEP papers for Cambridge. But as I’m in Wales we’re doing AS now so I’ll probably decide based on my results. I’m also looking at Cambridge, Lancaster, Durham, Bath, Manchester, York and Bristol. Should probably try to shorten that a bit lol. How about you?
Original post by STEM.lover
I’ve been thinking about dropping chemistry as well as I might do STEP papers for Cambridge. But as I’m in Wales we’re doing AS now so I’ll probably decide based on my results. I’m also looking at Cambridge, Lancaster, Durham, Bath, Manchester, York and Bristol. Should probably try to shorten that a bit lol. How about you?

Lol you’re brave wanting to do STEP. I’m looking at Oxford as my first choice at the moment as at least the MAT is doable right now relative to STEP, as of the STEP questions I’ve tried I can only seem to be able to do the first part of the questions, but can never seem to know what to do in the later parts of the question (and that’s for the questions with multiple parts - the ones that aren’t I’m completely hopeless at). But like you I’ll have to see as I’m from Northern Ireland so we’re pretty much the same in regards to AS. And I’m also considering Durham, Bristol and Bath too.
Original post by JDudd161
Lol you’re brave wanting to do STEP. I’m looking at Oxford as my first choice at the moment as at least the MAT is doable right now relative to STEP, as of the STEP questions I’ve tried I can only seem to be able to do the first part of the questions, but can never seem to know what to do in the later parts of the question (and that’s for the questions with multiple parts - the ones that aren’t I’m completely hopeless at). But like you I’ll have to see as I’m from Northern Ireland so we’re pretty much the same in regards to AS. And I’m also considering Durham, Bristol and Bath too.

Ahh awesome, I’ve seen the MAT it definitely does look more doable. I just think I’ll put the effort in maybe try to teach myself the A level courses over the summer and focus on step for all of next year. What courses are you considering?
Original post by STEM.lover
Ahh awesome, I’ve seen the MAT it definitely does look more doable. I just think I’ll put the effort in maybe try to teach myself the A level courses over the summer and focus on step for all of next year. What courses are you considering?

Wow fair play wanting to do that over the summer. And mainly just maths; I used to be set on a straight physics course but I’m quite terrible at the experimental side of physics and after this years physics AS exams, I’m starting to reconsider whether I’d actually want to lol. What about you?
Original post by JDudd161
Wow fair play wanting to do that over the summer. And mainly just maths; I used to be set on a straight physics course but I’m quite terrible at the experimental side of physics and after this years physics AS exams, I’m starting to reconsider whether I’d actually want to lol. What about you?

This is exactly what’s happened to me. I wanted to do physics, but I’ve enjoyed revising for maths more and I prefer to do as much maths as possible. So now I’m trying to figure out what courses I should do as my opinions changes. To be honest, I say I’ll work probably won’t happen to the level I was aiming for, lol.
Hello! I did my masters at Warwick in 2013 in Biotech and I am going back this year for grad med.

Happy to field questions if anyone has any :smile:
Thanks for posting! How was your experience at Warwick? Any advice for prospective applicants?
Anyone applying for biomedical sciences?
Original post by ethancruise15
Thanks for posting! How was your experience at Warwick? Any advice for prospective applicants?

Really enjoyable! I am looking forward to going back in September! I was mainly up at the medical school which is its own tiny campus but the main campus is great.

As for advice there are probably a couple of things that leap to mind:

1) Spend 10 minutes looking up who the lecturers and researchers are that make up the department. These are the people that will be teaching you and their research interests will heavily influence the course direction. For example, History at Warwick starts at ~1400s because they dont have a postdoc to teach earlier periods. If you are interested in something specific, have a look to see if it is likely to be covered!

2) You really don't need to have your life planned out from day one. I have met quite a few people who right at the start of the course have stuck their flag in the ground and proclaimed 'I am doing x and not y'. My advice is to be flexible with the modules in your course and keep an open mind. People rarely end up doing exactly what they set out to do. But if you do have something specific in mind, just ask your lecturers. They will be keen.

On a more serious note..

3) Undergrad is nothing like studying at school. You will have lectures or seminars etc but by and large, your study is entirely self-directed. There is no one to hold you to account in school and it is very easy to slip so be mindful of that. Which leads me onto #4..

4) Check out what study areas are available. What is the library like? Are there other areas to work? Are there other public libraries nearby? You are going to spend a huge amount of the next few years staring at a book or screen. Make sure that the environment you are doing it in is a productive one. The warwick library is lovely, it has almost every book you could think of plus a cafe inside it. It is also open 24hours. (if you go for an open day at any uni, see if you can check out their libraries).

5) Make sure you have a social life - It is easy for some people to move into 'hermit' mode and just bunker down for the entire course. For everyone I know who went to uni, they have come away with friends for life. So I would advise making sure you take time out with people, go to the SU bar and do stupid stuff, it will keep you sane. Uni is for most people the best time of their lives. When you are looking at other unis, pay attention to what they can offer or how far away they are from the nearest town. Warwick for example is an isolated campus. It does have some great stuff on campus but the nearest entertainment otherwise is Coventry or Leamington Spa which means you are going to need to work out buses. On the flip-side, locals don't use your SU bar!

6) Have a look at what accommodation is available. This depends on how much funding you can access but there will be a range of things available to you. Are there washing machines? What is included in the kitchen (if you are self catered)? What is the toilet/ shower sharing situation (honestly, more than 2/3 it starts to get grim)? There will no doubt be some real cheap options and some people skim on the accommodation to leave more funding free for spending. My personal advice is to spend a little more on finding nicer rooms. You are living there for an entire year, people will visit you and partners will stay over. Also the cheap rooms generally have super thin walls...

7) Boring one for last, money. For most people, Uni represents the first time they have been financially 'independent' and sometimes go a little nuts with it. In my first year a guy bought a jet ski. I currently work in Finance so I am probably a little biased but I would strongly recommend people trying to write out a rough monthly budget. There is nothing worse than maxing out your overdraft and watching those bank charges mount up without any income.

Honestly, as long as you do some homework before you arrive and get yourself into a routine of work then the 3/4 years will whip by no problem :smile:
(edited 5 years ago)

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