I think the key to this puzzle is to work out how many peoples live depend on each person and only keep the ones with the most dependants.
1. A doctor. GP. He is addicted to drugs and very nervous, aged 60.
Very nervous, but medical expert, drug abuse may be a problem, but he can save lives.
2. A black Minister. Protestant. Age 27.
Religion could help keep faith but no other skills, adding nothing to the lifeboat other than hope. No family. He can go
3. A Prostitute, no parents. She is an excellent nurse. Has already saved a drowning child. Age 37.
We have teh doctor, only the doctor or the prostitute needs to survive, the doctor has more medical knowledge, so she may not be as necessary
4. A male criminal. Charged with murder. He is the only one capable of navigating the boat. Age 37.
the most useful person on the boat, prior transgressions mean nothing. Most murders are not cold blooded, but done in a moment of passion. So crew would not be in too much danger. Must stay in order to get boat to safety
5. A man mentally disturbed, who carries important government secrets in his head, age 41.
Why are govt secrets needed? adds nothing to the boat. No dependants. he can go
6. A salesman. He sales automatic washing machines. Member of the local Rotary Club. Age 51.
What use is rotary? old, no dependants.
7. A crippled boy, paralyzed since birth. He can not use his hands, or do anything for him-self, so must be fed by others. Age 8.
Burden to the boat, no utility, no dependants GO
8. A married couple. He is a construction worker, who drinks a lot. Age 27. She is a housewife with two children at home. Age 23.
9. A Jewish restaurant owner married with three children at home. Age 40.
Children need him, should stay as others depend on his survival
10. A teacher considered one of the best in Essex. Age 32.
Why do you need a teacher on a boat? adds nothing, young still a lot to live for.
11. A catholic Nun. Supervisor of a girl’s school. Age 46
Same as 10, but older and therefore less to live for. Go
12. An unemployed man, formally a professor of literature. He has a great sense of humour, showed courage in the last war and was in a concentration camp for three years, age 53.
Humour can help keep morale on the boat and survival in tough situations shows that the others can make it through. However age is a problem. And he adds nothing extra to the boat apart form time passing and morale.
13. A married couple deeply in love, but yet no children. Both Irish. He is studying to be a pharmacist. Age 24. She is a housewife, helps with a playgroup. Age 21.
No children, adds nothing to the boat. However they are young and still have much to live for.
My choices are 2,5,6,7,11. Then it's between the prostitute or teh doctor as to which one is the most needed.